We’re both 18 and shes had a crush on me for years. Admittedly I like her as well and recently she became my roommate. She’s been very flirty with me and today while we were watching a movie and a sex scene came on.

She hugged me and said that us doing it sounds really fun. Ngl the idea turns me on a lot and I wouldn’t mind sleeping with her but I feel bad for saying this. Should I tell her I’m interested

  1. We can’t say what you should and shouldn’t do.

    If you like the idea, and she’s proposing this, then you can try it out.

    But it does seem like there’s something in your feelings telling you no. What is it? Why do you think it’s bad to say yes?

  2. Two adults who want to have sex with each other…yeah. That sounds like a pretty solid start on something with potential, don’t you think?

  3. I paled around with a girl when I was in high school. We were really good friends but didn’t date.

    One night we were at a friends house hanging out in a hot tub dong bong hits and etc. At one point in the evening I looked up and one couple was deep petting making out and the other was having sex. My friend and I got into it and ended up having sex as well.

    It was such a mistake. It just put a huge wall between us and it really destroyed our friendship.

    Thing is, you are already there. If she wants to have sex you turning her down will end things for you. So I suggest you at least go for it. Who knows maybe your best friend will become your Girl Friend and that is ok.

  4. Well you both like each other and you’re both adults, should be fairly simple to figure out.

    Some things to understand beforehand. Sex changes things, no matter how small or big, the dynamic of your friendship will be different after you have sex with someone. I’d like to think that for the most part it changes things for the better, but it can be for worse too. Respect that by being open and honest with each other. If something feels weird/wrong/not right, address it and move on. Don’t go in with expectations is also probably another good idea, you’ll be seeing and entirely different aspect of each other.

    Outside of that, also be aware that if things go south you’re roommates and still gotta deal with each other. Maybe thats not worth it in the end, but thats up for you to decide. You’re both 18 and you’re both going to make mistakes, hopefully this won’t be one of them.

  5. You could also start with kissing and exploring each body. You do not have to jump to the piv directly.

  6. It sounds like both not only want sex, but you want to be more than friends. If so, you should talk about it. You said you feel guilty, but having sex with her doesn’t mean you’re using her, it can be intimate romantic. You said you “like” her, but you can “make love” to her if you feel that way. Just voice the your interest in her and not just her body.

  7. Sure why not? Just be careful, feelings and shit will come up, and if your both not on the same page of a possible relationship, could end ugly.

    So, just be honest, have a conversation before hand. Nothing wrong with approaching it as an adult.

  8. Two young adults liking each other and wanting to do further exploration?

    What’s there to do wrong? If they already expressed interest, and you are interested as well, just say yes.

  9. Friend sex is such good sex. You already have the trust. You can be way riskier. And the emotions make the sex amazing!

    On the other hand, the emotions make the sex into more. If you’re good with that, you’re on the right track. If not, it’s usually a ticking time bomb before it has to end. In any case, tell her exactly where you want this to go to not lead her on, and best of luck!

  10. I’m going to caution in the other direction. If you have a sexual relationship and things go south, will you still be able to remain as roommates? If you can’t, do you have any options for filling the vacated roommate position or do you have anywhere else to move?

    Not going to say don’t do it, but think hard about it.

  11. *And they were roommates…*

    OP, just be careful. You live together so if it goes bad, it’ll be a messy explosion.

  12. In my experience, it’s really hard to go back to being “just friends” once romance and sex comes into play and feelings enter the mix. Sounds like that bridge has already been crossed, so I guess you’ll need to decide if you want to pursue things further or pull back and drift apart.

  13. Are you a virgin? Do you want to be friendzoned? If you answered no to any of those questions then yes go to town.

  14. The question you should be asking is, is she in your “friend zone”? That is, if you consider her your “best friend” (your words) would you be weirded out by the idea of sex with her? If not, go for it.

    Oh, and do this with a clear head. I know you already said you like her and the idea of sex with her turns you on but that could just be the blood flowing in the wrong direction, if you know what I mean.

  15. If everything is agreed beforehand, no problem…
    Are you two dating or are you friends with benefits?
    Will it be one-time or will it be a recurring thing?
    The two of you must agree first before moving forward with this new relationship.

  16. If you like her as much and can see a solid relationship form, why not? A lot of long term couples have started out as best friends. You already have foundations of good relationship with you as you are able to adjust to each other’s quirks with tolerance. And you will both have the capacity to put the relationship first with consideration for each other. You’re both adults and also know the consequences of your actions.

    Personally, I wish I’d gone out and married my best girl friend. I still hold her dear to my heart, but she’s married to someone else. And so am I. There’s still a tinge of regret whenever I think of her.

  17. Pretty sure all your friends and family are waiting for you all to get together and are surprised it hasn’t happened yet

  18. I understand not wanting things to go poorly and losing a friend. However MUTUAL Interest is present and with that I see no harm… go for it

  19. Of course you’re interested! She’s a female, you’re a dude and she wants you. As a female, guys I’m friends with for years and think I’m safe being only platonic with , will eventually hit on me at some point too. It changes the relationship once you fuck each other and you can never gobback to like it used to be. Even if you make a promise to only do it once out of just horniness in thr moment, curiosity or whatever, it never will happen that way.

    On the otherhand, it may be the best sex you’ve ever had, take you to a level you never knew existed and maybe find your true love. That is my story, but I spent the first 5 years just as a best friend , getting to know him, and sex wasn’t in the way clouding my perspectives. For me, once I have sex, that us pretty much what we always then do from that point on, so it was good to build a solid foundation first of trust, love and honesty. He blew my mind but I was scared, never feeling so in love or so transparent before. I want to marry him.

  20. So, she likes you, you like her, she said she wants to get intimate, and you like the idea.

    What on earth is left to consider???

  21. Up to you, but living with a roommate and living with someone you are having sex with are 2 very different things.

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