Hello i just figured out that i have a lot of things in my personality that makes people dislike me. I Can try to focus on one at a time and try to fix it, but is it bad to strive for people to like me.

  1. People dislike everything ! Kids dislike studies ! Criminals dislike law ! Rich dislike tax ! But it’s doesn’t mean we should stop it, isn’t it ? So if you have personality issue you should shove it yup on people whether they like it or not … it’s good for them … ! If not for people with personality issue, how would rest of the people signal their virtues existence ? In a way all you do is a service to humanity !

  2. Gonna offer some actual advice as opposed to the typical “Just Be Yourself!” garbage u see here.

    U need to evaluate whether it’s them or u. Some people are just not compatible. It could be u, it could be them. But chances are, if ur struggling to hold onto even a single friend, it’s u and u should think about changing something about urself. Maybe don’t speak ur mind all the time or something idk

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