Should you always pee before going for multiple rounds if I don’t use condoms?

  1. There can be a few sperm even on the first try. Yeah it will be more if you do more than once. Even if you pee there will still be some new ones.

    Use a condom + hormonal birth control.

    Or use a condom plus buttsex.

    Or use long term birth control implants that are more reliable.

    There’s a zillion ways to do it and you picked the most dangerous of them all.

  2. When going multiple rounds there’s definitely much higher risk of left over sperm in the system and I’m not sure peeing flushes everything… I always use a condom right from the start on the second round.

  3. Well, you should use condoms or she should have some form of birth control or somebody is going to be calling you daddy soon

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