Former immature teen boys: what was the mindset?

  1. I was raised very religious in the 1970s. Everything I knew about relationships and girls was taught to me by the church. Leaving home and leaving religion basically reset my emotional development to where I realized just how much of an asshole I was as a teenager.

    In my teens I believed that a woman’s place was in the home, cooking and cleaning and making babies, and I treated girls accordingly. If a girl would sleep with you, she was a slut and not wife material, but as a male you were blameless.

    A lot of my friends got (shotgun) married way too young and divorced after 2-3 kids they were not emotionally or financially capable of taking care of.

    Thank the Navy and college for cracking that shell of ignorance and allowing me to start down the path to emotional maturity. Still working in it in my 50s. Fuck religion.

  2. I was juiced to the gills with a hormonal cocktail no one could have prepared me for while I desperately wanted to fuck any and all relatively attractive girls my age within a 250 mile radius and had no idea where to even begin in regards to getting that done.

  3. “I c0m3 fr0m t3h intarw3bz and I no everyth1ng” I was on 4chan, mmos, and the somethingawful forums all the time. My entire life was being an internet edgelord and insufferable know-it-all .

  4. The big thing is that there wasn’t a defined mindset. Most of the stupid shit I did or said was impulsive stuff that occurred to me in the moment and generally I either didn’t think about it at all or only started to think about it after I started to do it or after it was done did.

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