For example, here in Russia, if you have collided with another car, you have to call for a special police car that will come and listen to both sides, and make a conclusion, finding one of the parties to blame. The person who caused the accident will not receive insurance payment, and the person who did not provoke the accident will receive full coverage of the costs of repairing the car.

How do you solve this situations? How does your car insurance work? How does collided people agree?

  1. You choose how much insurance you want. There is a government set minimum amount but you can pay extra so that if you cause an accident your call will be covered as well as the one you damaged.

    When a crash happens, depending on serious it was, the people involved get out and typically only call the police if there is a dispute about who is at fault. ~~If the cops do come it sounds like they do the same thing as they do there.~~
    *edit Police in the US do not pass judgment their job is enforcement/reporting fault is assigned in a courtroom if needed* credit to u/CupBeEmpty for being so smart and kind

  2. In my (limited) personal experience with collisions, the person responsible often just straight admits that it was their fault. Most car insurance coverage covers damage to the car you’ve hit, so if you get hit you’ll get a check from the *other* persons insurance to repair or replace your car.

    That other person’s insurance bill is going way up afterward, but they don’t have to pay much up front if they admit it’s their fault.8

  3. You buy liability insurance and that covers the damage you cause to someone else’s property. This few exceptions this is required by the state you’re driving in. You can buy collision insurance either because you want to or the bank you took out a loan from makes you. That covers damage to your own property.

    In the us police don’t decide liability in accidents. the come, they fill out their report, they go away. They will fill out a box that indicates it but no insurance company or arbitration just takes the cops decision. Your insurance company acquires the report and decided liability With the other insurance company. If the can’t agree it goes to a process called arbitration. All insurance companies belong to an arbitration group and they agree to settle disputes there.

  4. > you have to call for a special police car that will come and listen to both sides, and make a conclusion, finding one of the parties to blame.

    Snap judgments like that help to explain why we see so much dashcam footage from Russia on the internet.

  5. First off, while personal insurance isn’t required here, you must have insurance to cover harm your driving might cause others. Assuming the at-fault driver isn’t illegally uninsured…

    1. Call the police.
    2. When the officer arrives, they interview people and declare fault (if there is a dispute, it goes to court)
    3. All drivers then file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
    4. All drivers receive compensation from that insurance company
    5. In most cases, the at-fault driver’s monthly insurance costs will then rise.

    If the person responsible for the accident isn’t insured, you can sue them for damages, but you’ll have to file a claim with your own insurance company which may impact your monthly payments. I think the person who failed to get insured will be fined as well.

  6. Everyone is supposed to have their own insurance. Liability insurance is the minimum, meaning if you cause the accident, it will pay the other parties involved. If you have full coverage, it will pay out the same way, but also cover your car, regardless of who is at fault.

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