My gf is taking bc pills and wants to get the copper IUD so we can lose the condom

Is it fine to cum inside in that scenario

  1. outside of some rare scenarios (like a total hysterectomy), the chances are never absolutely zero, but this would make them very *very* low, so you should be safe.

  2. Yep, totally. The copper IUD is going to give you amazing safety. Like 99.9% or something like that Creampie away, my friend

  3. 2 birth controls is not gonna be good for her body. That’s just not how things work. Also the copper spiralnis fucking terrible. Reference; my female friends who have had them. T e r r i b l e.

  4. I don’t think any physician would have a woman using an IUD and taking a hormonal birth control… but the copper IUD is very effective.

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