There’s a girl in one of my classes who I’m interested in, and I’ve briefly spoken to her a couple times. She’s fairly receptive when I talk to her and she doesn’t seem to explicitly dislike me, but she also hasn’t shown any signs that she’s interested in me either. I guess the best way to put it is that we’re just acquainted.

If she was interested in me then she would have already shown signs of it by now, right? Or is it possible that we just haven’t spoken enough yet for her develop a strong opinion of me? Some people say that women lose interest quickly, while others say that it takes time and proximity for interest to develop in the first place. What do y’all think I should do?

  1. I’m in the “it takes time and proximity group”, personally. Have you guys even hung out in an outside class setting? Have your conversations been about things not related to your class? That is your first step.

    Try to get to know her a bit more and see if she shares things about herself, likes, dislikes etc, if you are able to have good conversation and she also participates well in these, try asking her to hangout in an outside class setting, in a public place.

    If she’s not too interested, she won’t be that forthcoming with herself and receptive to your conversations, her responses might be friendly but they won’t be responses that invite conversation, if that makes sense. And if she’s someone who’s blunt and just tells you, that she’s uninterested starright up, accept it and move on.

    Sometimes attraction doesn’t have to be mutual at the start. You like her, so just try and get to know her, if she’s open, great! If not, it’s a shame but oh well.

    Good luck 💪

  2. Neutral so far? So it’s time to find out through some slightly more active questions! Shoot her a text and ask whether she’s up for a coffee Monday afternoon. Chat over coffee and you’ll see whether she’s intrigued, interested, attracted. If none of these, well then now you know!

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