So I made posts in the past about my experience in grad school and how I don’t mesh with the students. Long story short, I’m in med school and the students don’t find me interesting enough to hold authentic long convos with. They don’t text me and I have to initiate most convos to get them to talk to me.

Well because of this, I have become more introverted than normal. I’m an ambivert and this summer I had live more of an extroverted lifestyle. I was going on dates, clubs and I had made alot of friends. It got to the point where I was only in the house for 6 hours a day. I took alot of pride in the fact that I was able to build up my social life. It literally started from cold approaching strangers to build confidence. I had people say the love the new improve me.

However, now I find it hard to connect and I becoming shy and quiet. I fear it might change my personality from talkative to quiet. I worked hard to develop an outgoing side but in this environment literally everything I say is met with eye rolls or dead silence. It’s wierd! party with them and I’m usually in a corner by myself the entire time since no one engages at the bar. Last weekend, we went on a boat trip and I got on the middle of the boat and drank pickle juice in front of everyone. People cheered me on and I got alot of hugs afterwards for doing in under 30 sec. I didnt do it so people would like. I just like pickle juice and wanted to show my skills. Literally, they went back to being standoffish an hour later.

What should I do so I don’t lose my identity? Last thing I want to happen is to lose my confidence and become a quiet hermit.

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