what’s your go-to when other guys look at your s/o?

  1. What do you mean?

    People look. Hell if a guy has a hot wife/gf you better believe I looked. As long as that is all it is, who cares?

  2. Lol Iain trippin’ I’ve literally had dudes come and dap me up because of the women I’ve been with. Shit comes with the territory.

  3. People look at her all the time including other women. What am I supposed to do, get angry. She’s easy on the eyes. I understand.

  4. Flaunt the fuck out of her. Let their eyes soak up everything they can. It’s a confidence boost to any partner and me that they are attractive

  5. Why would I do anything? I know my girl is hot. I know other people think so too. Hell, they could even try to flirt with her. I know she’s not going anywhere.

    I love when she gets free drinks from guys at bars too because then her and I get to drink for free. It’s always hilarious seeing the look on a dudes face when he buys her a drink and she walks over and sits down with me and hands me the free drink.

  6. Why would I need a go-to? My girl is loyal. I have nothing to worry about.

  7. Lol i’ve been known to whisper to her “oh shit babe that dude is checking you out, pretend we just got in a fight, i’ll go get a table in back, see if you can get some free drinks.”

    Works every time.

  8. Why do you feel the need to do anything?

    If someone is simply looking at your s/o, then what’s the harm being done? If it’s done in a creepy way, or it’s making you both uncomfortable, then it’s a different situation. But if someone is simply looking and not being offensive, then for me, who cares? We’re social creatures, and it’s normal to look at other people at least in a healthy manner.

    If you’re inclined to assert your dominance or something like that, then you need to look inward to understand why you feel the need to do something about it. Because to me, that feels like a big sign of insecurity and ego problems.

  9. If their just looking than it’s ok but if they say something than we’re going to have a problem.

  10. It happens quite a bit, and it doesn’t phase me. Occasionally I get a pat on the back and a “damn dude”, which is a bit sophomoric, but I get it.

  11. I usually don’t notice but idc if I do, she’s hot as fuck – I know it, she knows it, everybody knows it!

  12. My wife’s hot. I’m already staring at her. Am I supposed to punch them?

  13. It doesn’t require a response. Only the biggest piece of shit guys would say anything. And if your gf expects you to do something, leave her, because that’s some low class trailer trash BS right there.

  14. Boobie honk while looking at him dead in the eyes and verbally saying “honk”

  15. I look at them, smile and nod until they smile back and we both appreciate how hot she is. That little mental conversation… “she hot huh?”, “mmmmm ye you tap that?”, “yeeeeeeeee”

  16. Give them a thumbs up and wink. But seriously, there’s no go to. People will look, both at me and at her. People look at other people, especially when said person is attractive.

  17. I notice it. And sometime tell her later someone was checking her out. That’s it. It’s a compliment.

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