Curious on how these things have affected lives. What do you do. What do you regret. How do you feel. What can or can’t you do anymore.

If anyone comments on their experiences. Like for real thank you for sharing.

*I read the rules hopefully this is taken as a positive thing*
I feel people over look this subject and kinda screw everyone in the process, hoping that everyone can take something from this.

  1. I developed an early stage cervical cancer from a persistent HPV infection. While it has caused me tremendous amount of pain and distress. I never felt like I regretted having sex. Now that I am in the clear I will not sleep with anyone without a recent HPV test (which is difficult to test for men). STDs are very real and should be taken way more seriously.

  2. HPV here as well. A ONS pulled of the condom (stopped him immediatly when I noticed, could only do like two thusts), some month later I wondered why my anus was itching like crazy.
    Made my first appointment with a proctologist, had condyloma. Not just outside, but also inside “the tunnel”. They needed to be resected in an operation.
    Painwise, the THREE MONTH following were the worst of my life, at some point I was just a nerve wreck because I couldn’t take it anymore. Every time I needed to take a sh** (due to diet, that was 2-3 times a day), I screamed and cried and felt like I got cut open again.

    Meds didn’t help at all, as the worst cut had been directly on the primary nerve that makes you notice “you have to go”. I somehow started to manage and find a little improvement by using psyllium and taking ass-baths in warm camomilla tea (not joking!)

    It wasn’t common when I was young. But if your insurance covers it: PLEASE get your shots for HPV. Boy or girl. Though guys rarely get symptoms, they spread it in the world. Please be responsible.

  3. Man I met told me immediately after our first date that he had HSV2, which I thought was very responsible. We ended up dating for almost a year, but never had sex because he was concerned about the possibility of transmission despite not having active flare ups and being on an antiviral – he knew that if we had sex, it would be my responsibility to then inform future partners I had been exposed because it’s one that doesn’t ever actually go away. It was sad on the one hand to not be intimate, but overall I was glad he took things that seriously instead of pretending it wasn’t something he needed to share.

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