Also which is more impactful beautiful or sexy/hot. For me, beautiful has always been very strong. His argument was that he didn’t say hot/sexy.

  1. That isn’t ok at all. Don’t let him gaslight you. Boyfriends or girlfriends aren’t supposed to show pictures of your friends to their friends to admire their beauty.

  2. Also, I’m Irish and he’s Spanish. One day I said I feel pretty in Ireland but not in Spain and his response was , they were just the village girls you’ve seen. The girls in Madrid and Barcelona are much more beautiful

  3. I would feel happy for my best friend if my boyfriend complimented her beauty, and I would trust that he was genuine in his compliment. If he was sending her photos to other friends to compliment her beauty, I would trust that he was just trying to spread the love and would not be jealous.

  4. Deep inside you know what this means. It just hurts to admit it.

    He is not good for you. Save yourself the heartache.

  5. Uhm, ok so this is just.. idk disrespectful to you for him to do, though not outright wrong, just odd and inappropriate behavior, but as far as your question I’d say sexy, coming from a man, I can definitely think someone is beautiful, or hot, but if I refer to them as sexy that’s because they’re doing it for me in that way, I can’t say all men are like that, but most of us agree when we talk that there’s a difference between hot, cute, and beautiful, but most of us in my experience are implying we would bang the girl specifically if we say they’re sexy

  6. Wow. If I were you, I’d be really pissed. He’s playing you for a fool. That’s disrespecting.

  7. First off what an asshole and a dick. What is wrong with this clown? Did his mom and dad drop him on his head a dozen times or something? Every smart and loving partner knows you don’t send pics of your SO’s bestie to their people showing off how beautiful they are and saying that to your girlfriend. That’s just common sense right there.

    I’m surprised you haven’t whipped his ass for that bullshit right there. That doesn’t include his other bullshit about the Spanish girls. I think he needs a bit of an Irish lesson in manners before you drop this fool.

    I would never say this to my sexy (partner) and pull shit this asshole does. It’s disrespectful and depending on other ways he treats you could be abusive. I would put him in his place and throw him on the streets where he belongs.

  8. If I were you, I would be happy he said beautiful instead of sexy/hot.

    Sending the pic to his friend to compliment her is over the line though, unless they are both single and he’s trying to set them up

  9. You deserve someone that can appreciate the beauty inside and outside of you, and that sees you nevertheless the prettiest and never makes you doubt yourself.

  10. As a guy I think beautiful sounds more like I recognize that you’re pretty but in a more innocent way. Where as sexy/hot sounds more like I’m saying I’m sexually attracted to them.

    It’s hard to make a judgement without more context. Like we’re you talking about her looks and he said “yeah she’s beautiful” or does he tell her she’s beautiful because those are two very different things.

    Is he sending pictures to his friend because his friend is single and he’s seeing if he’s interested? Or is he talking to his friend about how much he wants to bang her? Because again, those are two very different scenarios.

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