I am a 22 year old female and I’ve never been in a relationship with a guy before. I’ve never held hands with or kissed a guy before. Most times I am embarrassed about it. Especially at my age. I want to start dating but I don’t know how to go about it. I don’t even know how to flirt and I also think that me being a virgin will turn guys off. Do you guys have any advise or tips for person who hasn’t dated anyone before?

  1. >I want to start dating but I don’t know how to go about it.

    a tip I give the guys:

    **’eye contact’**

    Are you able to respond to eye contact? eg. A girl across the room gives you ‘the eye’ (holds your gaze longer than normal, not just once but two or more times).

    Can you go up to her if she’s attractive to you, and introduce yourself? Perhaps engage her in conversation leading to an offer of a date (by you), or, exchange of texting numbers (with the objective of ultimately offering to date her via text).

  2. Most guys looking for something real would rather date someone inexperienced than someone that has, well, a lot of experiences. I wouldn’t worry about that, but I also probably wouldn’t disclose it unless it was brought up.

  3. Guys don’t need to know you’re a virgin because it’s no one’s business but your own. But at 22, no guys your age will not care, in fact many will prefer it I’m sure.

    Do guys approach you and ask you out? If so, the next time one you like asks you, say yes, and take it from there.

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