Something happened to me yesterday. I woke up and saw my nephew trying to rub his dick on my butt or idk I didn’t see everything since it’s very dark. I freaked out and shouted to him.

2 months ago, I also felt something heavy while I was asleep. I thought I was experiencing sleep paralysis (knock on the wood). Like someone is in my front. I woke up and saw my nephew but didn’t think he did that until I realized it yesterday.

I just can’t believe that he can do such things. He’s only 13 years old, shy type, childish, and very introverted.

We live in the same house and he’s trying to not make contact with me or talk to me. He’s so scared for sure that I will tell this to his mom or my mom.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if he does that every time I’m asleep. I was lucky yesterday that I woke up and busted him.

Should I talk to him and tell him that it’s not good to do that since he’s very young? But I’m also afraid to face him.

  1. This is sexual assault. Better secretly install go pro and record his activities. You need to talk to his parents with all proof. If he’s acting like this way at this age imagine what will he become when he’s 30.

  2. Yeh you need to knock this on the head and tell someone as it could lead to more things with other girls

  3. He is curious and may not have anyone to talk to about it. If he is left to his own devices it won’t be good – but if you shame him or embarrass him, it could have dire consequences for his mental state or even for your physical safety depending on how he internally resolves the conflict.

    If you call him out, he will likely lie from fear. Just find a way to talk to him. Installing a camera isn’t a bad idea either. I’d want to know if someone is lurking over me while I’m vulnerable.

    You’re the adult. Make a decision while you have the option to. If something happens then it’s too late and that comes with a whole new set of issues.

  4. “2 months ago, I also felt something heavy while I was asleep. I thought I
    was experiencing sleep paralysis (knock on the wood). Like someone is
    in my front.”

    I don’t know what “in my front” means – do you mean that he had his cock in your vagina?

  5. Or it could be he has been abused/is being abused himself and is either mimicking behavior or has been hyper sexualized as a result. Worth sitting down and asking questions and having an in-depth conversation about the inappropriateness of the behavior.

  6. His parent(s) need to be told and he needs professional counseling/ therapy immediately. It doesn’t matter if he’s only 13. He sexually assaulted his aunt. If this isn’t addressed pronto who knoes what his behavior may evaluate escalate to. Like others have said you should also have a chat with your own child to make sure he isn’t doing this sick behavior to them as well.

  7. It is a delicate situation, try to get in contact with a professional on children sexology or similar and discuss the way to handle this.

    And yes, get a camera and get evidence because the probability his parents doesn’t believe you will be very very high.

  8. No comment other than “only 13” isn’t a thing. 13 is plenty old for him to be doing what you suspect.

  9. Tell him mom & get him spanked good IMO
    He needs to learn respect & boundaries, if necessary go out & get a girlfriend his age

    Reason being, if not controlled he’ll be creepy all his life & try to take advantage (touch, whatever) of girls in crowded or vulnerable situations

  10. It’s sexual assault and the poor kid probably has no idea what’s going on with his body. Y’all need to start opening up even if it’s just you to him that this isn’t okau

  11. you’re the adult, suck it up Buttercup and have the conversation…say, look i can promise you this is as uncomfortable for me as it is for you. you know what you were doing, I know what you were doing. it needs to stop. immediately. it’s perfectly normal for you to feel sexual urges, I am sure you are aware of your body changing. it’s normal, it’s natural. what’s not normal or natural is your behavior. you can not touch me or any other person without their consent. period. we can keep this between us only if you cease the inappropriate behavior.

    take a deep breath and confront him. I promise you will survive.

  12. You need to jump on this, pronto. Something isn’t right here and if he goes unchecked it’s going to continue, but it just won’t be you. You’re putting everyone in that house in danger by hiding from this. Please tell someone.

    I almost hate to say this, but you need to definitely keep a close eye on him, especially if you have your child in the house as well. You owe it to your own kid to put a stop to this madness.

  13. I would talk to him privately and let him know you don’t want that to continue. He’s young and if he isn’t taught boundaries soon he will grow up looking for ways to just keep pushing the limit of his pervertedness. Shaming him to the entire family might be the next step if his behavior continues.

  14. My brother did this to me when I was 11 to 13 and he was 13 to 15 this is opportunistic sexual assault TALK TO A PERSON WHO WILL UNDERSTAND ASAP or maybe another person will be next please for all the people like me in the world please don’t stay quite

  15. You definitely need to have a real conversation with him. He needs to know right from wrong/normal from absolutely unacceptable. If you’re not comfortable having the conversation, speak with his mother, explain the situation and ask her to have the conversation. This is nothing you can keep quiet about. It will only escalate if you don’t put a stop to it. Fantasizing is one thing… hopping into bed and rubbing is penis on you is a whole other thing.

  16. You should feel no embarrassment or discomfort in confronting his parents about this because it needs to be done, especially if you’re not comfortable telling/teaching this kid himself. Tell his Mom what her son’s been up to. It is not about protecting the kid. You’ll protect him more by making his mom aware so he can feel the guilt and shame he ought to be feeling in a situation like this. He needs to learn this lesson in a hard way that this is absolutely, without question, NOT ok! Play your role well and be the adult and either teach him yourself, or, ideally, have his parents teach him…please. I hope this gets nipped in the bud quick. And these kids absolutely know what they’re doing and you shouldn’t be surprised that he can do such things. He’s in full-blown horny puberty mode and has been for a while. He’s either blatantly disregarding what his parents have taught him or they haven’t had the birds and the bees puberty talk yet, which, if they haven’t, is irresponsibly late for someone who should’ve had things explained to him at least 2 years ago. These are just my personal thoughts and suggestions on this situation and I wish your family the best with this one.

  17. It’s better telling his mom/ any adults before everything going south. Because once that happen ( you let him go after what he did, indirectly he might taking that as a sign to do it again. ) Remember he is a minor and you’re an adult, the power pretty much is on your hand. Unless if you letting him do what he want, you’ll be in disadvantage position. ( anything involving sex with minor is a crime)

  18. im 29f and my nephew is 13. I’ve experienced quite like this as well. he do not dare touch me, but several times I caught him peeping on me while in the shower and in the room changing clothes..i did not reprimand him..but I guessed it happened to his another uncle’s wife as well and he got reprimanded. his mom knew about the situation eventually, and she said sorry to me. He still have to learn manners and be educated.

  19. The worst thing you can do for both of you is let this go with no consequences. There has already been advice given in the comments about what that should be, but if he escapes with nothing negative happening, his evolving teenage mind will equate this with “an okay thing to do”. Which is obviously not at all the case.

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