I feel too nervous while talking to girls..I want to talk but I am unable what should I do 🥺

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  1. You have to tell yourself, you’re *going* to feel nervous no matter what. Your heart will race, your palms will sweat, and you’ll convince yourself that whatever clever thing you planned on saying in your head isn’t good enough.

    You need to combat this fear with positive thoughts, but also realistic expectations: think about what the girls want from you – they probably want noticeable confidence. (Which you can fake). They don’t want to be approached with some forced line that seems like you practiced all day in the mirror to use on someone. We just want genuine and real.

    This can be as simple as making eye contact with a girl, or playfully poking them with a smile while you’re in line somewhere. Or “accidentally” bumping into us. If you compliment us – we will hold onto that for a longggg time. We love compliments! Small talk is easy to – just make a comment about whats right in front of you.

    Don’t treat girls like their some sort of superb species that you can’t relate to. They’re human beings. We shit once a day, we scroll through our phones feeling all insecure about ourselves, we go through 100 outfits before school/work, we get lonely, and anxious, and depressed..

    Girls have an insane amount of pressure on them to have things about them which make them stand out – hair, makeup, nails, nice tits and a great ass – it’s so much pressure that we’re usually left feeling like we’re not enough. On a daily basis. We’re on instagram and tiktok – where millions of women have better bodies and a better face than we do.

    So what im getting at is this: don’t be nervous around us. We’re struggling on a daily basis to muster up the confidence to approach guys because we’re pinned against all these other confident, sexy chicks.

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