Currently heartbroken over a failed relationship and I think I should try to start finding healthy ways of dealing with it. I would appreciate your help, I don’t really know what to do

  1. Meh. Wait till you’ve had a few more. It gets easier. Meanwhile maybe focus on working out and learning new skills.

  2. Go through the 5 stages of grief in a healthy manner. It’s fine to feel the best/motivated one min, then shitty the next.

    Distract yourself with secondary things that you do, not primary. So you can avoid association when you do these activities down the track.

    ie if you go to the gym daily/regularly and you start going while you’re in grief. It can sometimes make you associate the gym with that memory. Do small things like go for a walk for cardio, push ups at home for back/chest/tri etc etc.

    Hang w family/friends, just be in a social interaction.

    There’s no time in healing, just takes day by day to have it be a distant memory.

  3. You can talk to a therapist and help you with the grieving process. That’s very okay to do. Accepting what happened and learning how to be kind to yourself aren’t easy.

    You can also do as others advised, but the sum of it is find another thing to focus your energy on. Be it a hobby, a tv show, or sports. The busier you get, the easier the sadness fades.

    Surround yourself with friends. Don’t be alone, at least not for a while. When you’re alone and you don’t know how to be lonely, it’s easy to favour drowning. Remember that people come together, even in sadness. Only this time, let yourself be taken care of.

    The sorrow will always be there, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy again.

  4. bro, thousands of years ago a 20 year old man called Alexander III of Macedonia conquered the world’s greatest empire(at the time).

    If a kid can do that, don’t you think you can get over ”heartbreak?” good grief, why are young men these days so sensitive.

    Just go hit the gym and go talk to other women. Nothing cures ”heartbreak” like good pussy.

  5. Something I learned from my past break-up, The shitty moments in life actualy feel like shit. What I mean by that is when I’m not going through shitty times I always imagined myself being able to push through and survive the shitty moments kind of like a protagonist you know? Whereas in reality yes, you will push through and survive but it won’t seem or feel heroic, it will actually feel like shit, and that’s okay that’s why they are shitty moments. Give it time, dont be hard on yourself, live through the shit and you’ll be okay eventually.

    Idk if I explained it right or if it even makes sense to you but that’s something I learned recently.

    So yeah I guess allow yourself to hurt, accept your feelings but also allow yourself to enjoy. You’ll be alright man!

  6. Get fucking jacked, sleep with a bunch of strangers, focus on school / your career, and time will do the rest.

  7. Welcome to the tribe brother. Hit the gym, read, travel and learn from the relationship. Talk to a mate if you need to. I know its easier to say move on, than to actually do it. Top tip, unless its actually important that you retain it,delete her number.

  8. Dont push away the saddness. Embrace it, accept it, and know that it will get better over time.

    Get busy, do stuff that helps you move forward, hobbies etc, also anyone that you can talk to helps a lot.

  9. If you’re financially capable travel like alot, made me realise there is so much more to life and being sad won’t make my life any better

  10. I will say deal with the pain but never forget the moments that made you happy. Not saying to hold on to them but learn to understand from your mistakes.

  11. I just went (still go) to the gym every day I also binge watched californication spent time with friends until it was time to get back out there

  12. Anyone in here (I have seen a few) with the “juST gET puSs bRo WoRKouT” is dead ass wrong. That’s just hiding from the pain, it’s macho bullshit and it won’t serve you long term.

    Pain sucks, but it’s important and helps us grow. Allow yourself to feel pain, don’t drink it away or get high or “fuck chicks” and no I don’t mean just sit and wallow. Working is helpful but it’s not the cure all, cause what if yall worked out together? Cool, now your at the gym and they are on your mind the whole time. See my point?

    I do agree with some that talking to a therapist would be good, because having an outlet to talk is huge.

    And over time it gets better. People forget that I think. But it will suck for a while, and you have to allow it to suck.

  13. Feel the pain. Let the pain be there. Don’t run away from it or distract yourself from it, but always be gentle with yourself. If you want and can cry and or scream, please do, if you can’t don’t beat yourself up that you should be crying. Try to see the blessings and teachings this relationship brought to you and will bring to you. If need be be angry and hate her and take a pillow or stuffed animal and let it all out on that poor thing.

  14. Working out helps a lot, I also signed up for new classes (in the fitness realm), I read, I listened to podcasts, I took myself out on solo dates, I hiked alone, I went out with friends a lot, I reflected.
    Edit: also great to keep yourself occupied but have days to grief because the burnout that could potentially happen would be hard to go through too

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