My bf is 24 and I’m 26- part of me feels like he’s much younger than I am at this stage of our lives and it makes me feel like he’s soon going to grow out of me. I know I’m also still growing too but that gap between him and I know is making me nervous that he’ll want younger girls in the future. Anyone experiencing similar fear, how do you move past that? I want to have a convo with him to let him know how I feel so I get that reassurance that he’s in it for the long run, but I also don’t want to plant the idea that he should be going for younger girls.

  1. 2 years absolutely does not matter, and if he’s the kind of guy who “wants a younger girl”, youre better off without him.

    Since the “standard” is an older man (be it 2 years older or 15) dating a younger woman, why wouldnt the reverse be just as fine? Youre not an object defined by your age, youre a person with your value being who you are.

    If you want to talk about it with him, you could mention that youre worried hes outgrowing you. He should tell you if he feels that way, but if he reassures you that hes happy with you, then age really shouldnt be a worry of yours.

    Edit: im 4 years oldar then my bf. At one point i asked him the same question, but he never even thought about my age like that. And really, be it me or you, such a small age difference wont ever be visible.

  2. I’m 56.
    My husband is….not.

    I’ve had insecurities now and then regarding our age difference, but it really and truly is about the two people in the relationship and not about age. Really and truly.

    If your mom was two years older than your dad, would you think it’s weird? Nah.

  3. I mean.. I’d understand if he was like.. 18, I’d be more worried about you being a creep than rather than him growing out of you.

    You’re both in your mind twenties, you’re both young, you’ll both grow. Maybe together, maybe apart, that’s a huge part of being young.

  4. This is a really bizarre reaction to a two year age difference. An age difference so common I don’t think you can shake a stick in a crowded room without hitting several couples with the same one. I think it’d be very useful to really interrogate this insecurity and where it’s actually coming from.

  5. This sounds more like your own insecurities than anything else. Why would he want younger girls?

    Two years is nothing in physical terms. But maybe you’re at different stages of life?

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