When I speak to people, i have a hard time expressing myself. I speak in a very overly excited manor, and talk too fast. I’m having trouble slowing down. Any tips that can help?

  1. You have to be mindful of it. Speak slowly, take pauses, think before you speak. It should feel at first as though you are speaking too slowly. Of course there is a point where you can speak too slow, but find the right balance. Take your time to say what it is you have to say.

    People notice when other speak quickly and it can come across as insecure and lacking confidence. This is due to it being a habit where someone is normally not permitted by others to fully express what they have to say so they get used to trying to chime in and speak as fast as they can to get it out.

  2. Sometimes people with this speech pattern are diagnosed with a disorder called “cluttering.” Maybe check that out to see if you fit the pattern. If so, there might be specific tips for dealing with it.

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