That deep inner loneliness that follows you around no matter what you do, how do you get rid of it?

  1. It’s pretty common over here. Don’t know why. There’s very little organic life stuff, their lives are very planned (minus the pub). I sense the only thing is do as they do and get really into hobbies (organised or not).

  2. Clubs, hobbies, classes, . Don’t blame the people, we are a very friendly bunch albeit getting pissed is our main hobby…it’s how we relax and let our guard down…try it it’s actually fun.

  3. How long have you been in the UK? Living abroad cab be rough for the firs 3-6 months. But it can get better after that.

  4. Maybe I’m a fairly independent person, but I rarely feel lonely and I suppose I keep myself busy with work and hobbies. I meet up with friends here and there and sometimes join larger meetup groups. For reference, I’ve lived here around ten years.

  5. I work too much so can’t think about being lonely 😔 I have to get some hobbies or a cat because this is not sustainable. Arrived Feb 2020!

  6. I keep in touch with old friends and stay busy. Even before I had a baby and became Always Tired(TM), I would keep busy with games, walks, exploring new places, trying new cafes etc.

    If you’re struggling with depression, it may be wise to mention to your GP. Have you made friends here? Even for introverts like myself, socialising is important

  7. i moved overseas to a country i had never been to before, all alone, when i was 19. i had a one year working visa and felt a little off in the first month or so. i don’t really think it was loneliness though, more so just adjusting to the new environment and lifestyle.

    once the year was up i did not want to go home. at all. i was devastated that there was no possible way for me to stay in my new country. while ultimately i did miss my family and friends from back home, if it was possible to stay and that i would never see them in person again i would have chosen to stay in my new country. i’m sharing this just to tell you that i KNEW in my heart and my head that travel and living abroad was meant for me. ever since i’ve been back home i have been itching to get away again. i have been struggling because this place no longer feels like home.

    depending on how long you have been in the uk for…maybe give it some more time. try to socialise more at work/join clubs or recreational sports teams. try fitness classes, arts classes. look into friend meeting apps or facebook groups. if you’ve been there for over a year and have felt this way the entire time, maybe there is something bigger going on. maybe the uk isn’t for you. maybe being away from home isn’t for you, or maybe it’s just the specific living/work/social/financial situation you’re in now.

    try to do some honest reflection with yourself and find what specifically is troubling you. if you can pinpoint specific things, are these things related to being in the uk and/or being away from home or are they not situational and would be the same no matter where you are? if you have the funds and access going to talk to a mental health professional even just for one visit can really help clear things up. good luck to you friend!

  8. Being busy all the time – work, gym, jogging walking around the hood, reading books, house work, washing dishes, beauty time (for myself). If it’s the weekend then I’ll go hiking on a sunny/cloudy day. Worse days are the rainy days when I’m stuck at home. I regularly keep in touch with my friends back “home” and those who are expats in other countries (to kill their loneliness).

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