Men of reddit, how many girls have you said “love you” to. Not family

  1. It’d take some deep pondering to have a real number because I say it to friends as well. In strictly romantic relationships, 6, maybe 7?

  2. friends included? Or just relationships

    i said ‘love you’ to 3 women YESTERDAY who weren’t family lol, total is probably close to a hundred at this point

    in relationships, 6 i think? could be more, i was fallin in love every few months in my teenage years lol

  3. all of the women i’ve ever been involved with, the real question is how many of them meant it and would act on it?

    not many.. and the one i really want to ask, i can’t because she’s dead.

  4. Five, including my best friend, by accident, which was embarrassing. Even more embarrassing because I meant it but didn’t mean to say it out loud.

    We were at work, too.

  5. 4 times to girls I was in a relationship with, probably 10 total when counting my female friends. I probably only ever said it in response to them saying it to me

  6. Hmmm, I’ve said *”I love you,’*’ a bunch of times to a bunch of different women, but that was because I knew that if I wanted to smash, I needed to tell them that, so I did. If you mean, how many times I’ve said a heartfelt *”I love you,”* then the answer is never.

    See, if brothels and escorts were cheaper than they are I wouldn’t have to ”lie” in order to get laid, ya know?

    I’d just resort to prostitutes if a bang with an attractive escort was like 20 dollah dollah an hour, but that is impossible to find.

    Maybe in China. But the airplane ticket + place to stay + food + living expenses would be quite expensive.

  7. “I love you” has been way more common than just “love you.”

    For just “love you,” probably like… 2?

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