I’m 19M. Currently a first year Uni student and have developed social anxiety over the past year. Covid messed up the last 2 years of high school when everything went online and I became distant with friends + didn’t socialize much due to quarantine. After graduating I took a year off to work before attending Uni. I worked full time in construction with a bunch of older guys in their 40s so we rarely talked. But I always felt anxious to engage in conversation with them for no exact reason, even just to get to know them a little. And my mind would go blank when spoken to. That’s when I realized I had developed SA. It’s only gotten worse since then, now I replay convos in my head at times unconciously (I’ve been catching myself and telling myself to stop) and can’t hold one for the life of me. I’m now attending Uni a year later and I’m in the worst metal state of my life due to this and some other things I won’t discuss. Anyway, I know nobody on my residence floor since I’m scared to introduce myself or spark up a convo and I haven’t made a single friend since being here 3 weeks. In the past I’ve been a social guy and never thought I’d be dealing with this in a million years. Let alone be asking for advice on Reddit but advice is appreciated(:

1 comment
  1. Here’s something to try:
    1. See if no porn for a while has any effect on your social anxiety (it did for me)
    2. Literally type “charisma” into YouTube to see how charismatic people open conversation and how they keep one going, and try those things.
    3. You’re gonna have so much fun once you get the ball rolling. Enjoy!

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