So most people think I’m shy and introverted but the truth is that I am far from it. I have two personality: my real personality and fake one. My fake personality is the one most people see. I don’t say much and always look like I’m happy because I’m smiling a bunch. People have told me my smile lights up an entire room. So thats what lead people to think I lack confidence and I’m shy.

However once I leave people at school and come home, I’m extremely loud. We are talking loud enough that the neighbors can hear me. I run my house and talk my parents and siblings to submission. I’m extremely assertive and people tell me to calm down because they think I interact like that in the streets. I’m also more social in general.

For example, in my neighborhood, I talk to strangers and I go to the local coffee shops and flirt. I’m also not a homebody so I’m outside alot. It’s wierd but it’s like something comes over me and I can access different parts of me.

But as soon as I go back to school, I’m a different person. People at school think I’m a nerd even though I don’t do nerdish things. They can’t even guess my hobbies which is traveling, boxing, friends, and parties.
I’m kinda frustrated that I live a double life tbh. I feel so free being loud and goofy at home and wish that side of me would come out. Alot of people that grew up with me said it was the side that made me unique and I love expressing it.

What should I do?

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