Just wondered if anybody has had something like this happen. Had 2 oldish chaps knocking at my door at about 11am today, suspected it is Amazon so answered the doors and they quickly asked ‘do you own or do you rent’? I said I rent, then they just said ‘doesn’t matter then’ and walked off down the street. They didn’t go to anyone else’s house.

Any ideas what this could have been for? Am not overly bothered myself but got a baby in the house so made me feel a bit uneasy. It’s a quiet road. I don’t have any debt and neither does my LL. Why would they need to know if I own/rent property specifically? No lanyards or anything like that, and didn’t look that dodgy.

  1. We’ve had cards through the door trying to encourage us to sell our house. It may be something like that.

  2. If you knock on my door uninvited you’d better have a parcel, otherwise you’re getting a fucking earful.

  3. We get these a lot. The latest one is a couple of guys in an unmarked van asking if they can buy our (original) doors and windows, then sell us some shite replacements.

  4. Selling your house, double glazing sales, air/ground source heat pumps or solar panel sales.

    You rent therefore they’re not interested.

    Alt scenario: burglars casing which houses are occupied during the day.

    Alt alt scenario: Bailiffs after your landlord, because they have debt you’re unaware of

  5. Probably touting some government scheme for insulation or something targeting home owners I live in an all electric house and get letters about such things all the time.

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