Hi my story is before 4 months i met this girl on Instagram who is my best friend right now, like we just click and have a lot in common, we both are the second child, we have the same father name and have to brothers and two sisters, we grew up in the same city but live in different cities now, both of us like babies and anime and we both love cooking, and we were born on the same month just a week apart from eachother, i love her so much and she’s a great friend but i really hope to be in a much deeper relationship, yes we appreciate each other and show our love to each other in our own language, like drawing together and doing homework sometimes and help each other, but like around a month ago i found out she has a boyfriend i never told her that i love her, but she came to me because she found out that her boyfriend past away so i immediately comforted her and was with her tell she felt better and spent weeks of effort and time to bring back her smile but, days ago her bf came to the dead and said it was a lie and that he love her and had to fake his own death for a reason he wouldn’t say what it was, she immediately text me and i was shocked and told her not to forgive him because there’s no reason to forgive someone who does like this.
Like the girl spent nights crying and had a rough time to accept his death and she even made donations for him
But after all that she said that she love him so much she had to forgive, even though she is mad about him
Like why??? I can be a much better bf than him, that other time i asked her how do you love this guy? She just said yes he’s toxic and moody but i love him he only talks to me because he trusts only me, that’s just the most weirdest bullshit I’ve ever heard, im here to ask what should i do im just confused, should i tell her that i love her, or just wait till he screws and realize that she is in a bad relationship? Or what should i do?? And yeah im jealous
i love a girl who i think she loves me back but don’t now yet and she has a toxic boyfriend that made a lot of mistakes and hurt her and she still loves him back

  1. Your friend has a boyfriend. She took him back because she loves him. I understand it’s a bad idea, but telling her about your feelings wouldn’t change that. It seems she treats you like a best friend, not a love interest.

    I think you’re misreading her. Don’t pursue her unless she’s single.

  2. This is so much easier in the animal kingdom. You’d just take him out for a duel and the last one standing gets the girl. But we do things not like that..

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