I believe everyone makes a choice on what they do next. However recently I’ve noticed a lot of people around me can be difficult by which I mean opinionated, condescending or just angry.

I can try my best to make the right choices for myself but when dealing with a manipulative manager, condescending step mother and angry family members it’s quite hard to know how to react. You don’t want to be stepped on but it’s quite hard to confront them on their behavior. Anyone got stories or advice on this sort of thing?

  1. Don’t react, that’s what difficult people want. If somebody is just trying to press your buttons you lose the interaction as soon as you react, if this is a problem for you start making meditation a daily routine to ground yourself. Also learn how to bust people’s chops. Nothing puts somebody in their place by not reacting the way they want you to and having the entire room laugh at their foolishness. This also makes them less likely to mess with you in the future. If it’s a workplace where you don’t want to do that you could simply just set a boundary and say “please don’t talk to me in that manner it feels very disrespectful”. The thing with boundaries is you have to set them right away, if you let somebody get away with messing with you for years and then set a boundary it’s too late.

  2. Joining a men’s group helped me get in touch with my feelings, and that helped me know what to do to navigate complex situations. If you’re not a man, the women’s equivalent is called “women’s circling” (or so I’ve been told).

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