along the lines of Scarbados, Milk’n’Beans, Brum etc.

  1. Swansea

    “Ugly, lovely town” – Dylan Thomas (poet)

    “Pretty shitty city” – Terry (Twin Town)

  2. Christ I mean I think some may be a tad offensive and I know Reddit criers like to cry but Bradi-Stan for Bradford use to amuse me…..I’m from Birmingham and grew up around a big South Asia community, remember my Uncle Zab (not by blood Lol) use to find that hilarious!

  3. Mudflat on Ditch for Swindon as several nearby Cotswolds towns have the “on Thames” or “on Water” suffix.

  4. Monkey Hangers – Hartlepool

    I think most of the locals hate being called one though! xD Especially by some out of towner like me 😛

  5. My German friends said the UK was known as Inselaffe in Germany – which translates to Island of Monkeys

  6. Rochdale has been crochdale for quite a long time. Following our famous gromming gang I’m not sure we’re allowed to use it anymore.

  7. Little Hampton is known as LA, because the locals are all so chavy and rough they don’t pronounce their Hs – lil ampton in it

  8. Live in a town called Bideford, its split by a river. The east side of Bideford is called East of the Water. We call it Bogside…. I’m not sure if historically there was a bog there or because it’s renowned for its Council houses (and in general slightly rundown).

    Keeping on the Devon theme, Torbay is obviously known as Torbados.

  9. I’m from a town called Congleton, its often referred to as Mongleton to the point someone actually changed one of the road signs as you enter.

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