[Not the most positive update.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/xnjp5z/last_night_i_22m_allowed_my_gf_25_to_penetrate_me)

At the beginning of our relationship my gf shared one of her hottest fantasies with me. In her fantasy, she seduces an uninterested gay guy into having sex with her. We laughed it off and life went on. Even though it’s been more than a year since that conversation, I never forgot. A few nights ago, my gf came home and found me watching gay porn in the living room. I was in character and his name was “Fernando.” When I introduced myself as the gay roommate, my gf connected the dots and played along. I did my best to look as horny as possible while watching a twink orgy. My gf asked who I wanted to be in the orgy, the tops or the bottoms. I said bottom. I’m usually dominant in bed and I could tell my answer surprised my gf in all the right ways. I expected more build up towards the moment my gf seduces me, but as soon as I said “bottom” she was on her knees and pulling my pants down lol. Without going into unnecessary details, my gf was very happy at the end of the evening. She made it clear that she wants more Fernando.

Which is why I’m here. It’s safe to assume I opened a door, possibly the backdoor. What more can I do?

  1. Well you completely surprised her trying something new and it was received well which is awesome! BUT moving forward i’d advice to have a conversation about this outside of the bedroom on how to move forward so you are both on the same page, that way she won’t have expectations which might never happen and get disapointed or especially with her being more dominant she won’t try to do stuff you might be uncomfortable with.

    About opening the “backdoor” in terms of receiving i’d say go for it if you are interested it can be an awesome experience that many men aren’t willing to even ever giving it a try. There have been plenty of topics and questions about receiving as a man so it shouldn’t be too hard to find them on this sub and there might be some sticky threads with info.

  2. “a twink orgy” OMG HAHAHAHAHAHA i’m happy for you guys, you went all out, thats some commitment with your character

  3. Sooooo… you were getting “not too many details” from your gf while watching a gay orgy? Or did you turn that off first?

  4. Wow, you really got into character. I would have just played some Judy Garland records while drinking mojitos.

  5. Here I was thinking you let her fuck a gay guy haha. No you let her fuck you while you pretended to be gay!! Haha thanks for sharing and making me laugh today!

  6. Anal play, sex, pegging is lush for both sexes, douch first then lube and stretch the hole open gently when going in until things lose up.

    Good on you enjoy every moment, my misses loves pegging and inserting general lives mens asses.

  7. Go ahead get a strap on… I’m thinking that seeing as Fernando is new to all this stuff, his tight virgin asshole probably needs a smaller one at first lol. And then totally learn the accent. However… you don’t need to be Fernando everytime….ya know? Sounds fun dude!

  8. Wow, good on you for being confident enough to try that! I’m so glad your girlfriend enjoyed :).

  9. Remember, you can escalate the fantasy without escalating the sex acts. She wants to seduce a reluctant sex act out of you. You can play with her and be hesitant at each stage- kissing cool, but I’m not sure about BJ.

    “OMG, didn’t expect a woman to be good at that,” and then pull out condom/lube and mention being curious about how a woman feels and then get “nervous” again.

    The fantasy is about seducing you, so be coquette about it all.

    Like, I “could never eat Pussy” and then the 3rd time, I really need to try tasting you.

    When/if you’re ready for back door, you can “chicken out a few times” saying you’re not sure if you trust a woman with that. (With her knowledge BEFOREHAND that’s the plan.) That way, every finger, butt plug, and eventual pegging is a different fantasy for her.

  10. fucking hell that takes some balls this is hot as hell. were you committed to “fernando” while having sex? i really couldn’t keep it up (luckily i’m a woman hehe)

  11. this is so fun, playful, and hot! i want to play like this with someone one day! lately feels like men are barely comfortable with moaning during sex, let alone playing out this full-ass scene

  12. Some (lots of) advice on.. ‘opening the back door’… from a lifelong proud male slut:

    * Start by just putting a drop of lube on the tip of your finger and rubbing the outside of your hole while you masturbate. You can even just slip the tip of your finger in if you want; getting used to the idea of your butt being involved in sex, of being touched there, is a big part of the mental acclimation you need to go through
    * Work your way up to dildos. First fingers around the outside, then just a single digit penetrating, then two. When you get two fingers in, use a scissoring motion with your fingers as you slowly fingerfuck the receiving partner, then after a while add more fingers until you reach your limits. And your limits are *whatever you say they are*.
    * I recommend, if she’s willing, getting your girlfriend to eat your ass (and you should eat hers in return!). You’ll both want to shower and pay special attention to cleaning that area with soap first; consider making the shower part of foreplay the first few times so that you can each be assured and comfortable that things are clean to your satisfaction before you begin! This both feels good and gets you relaxed
    * They make graduated butt plug and dildo/strap on sets; three or four of each, from small to medium to large. This might help you acclimate to being penetrated
    * There is no such thing as too much lube. Too much lube is NOT ENOUGH. Do not short yourself on lube!
    * While many things can be used for lube, the best lube is LUBE. Buy real lube!
    * Make sure your lubricant is safe for the toy you’re using! As a general rule, do not use silicone- or oil- based lube in or even around non-metal and non-glass sex toys – silicone and oil lubes cause silicon toys and latex condoms to break down! Water-based lube is always safe
    * There are many brands of lube, and everyone has their preferences. I recommend Uberlube, personally, because it is safe for rubber, silicone, and latex, and when you’re done, you don’t have to clean it up, it just soaks into your skin as a moisturizer (makes for easy and clean wanking, too)! You might also consider a numbing lube like Anal-Eze for your first couple of times
    * Make sure you are regular in your bowel movements, and that you’ve recently had a movement. This is the primary way to avoid leaving unpleasant presents
    * Put a towel underneath you – this is more to catch the lube and your semen when you ejaculate than anything, but it never hurts to take precautions. Having a spare towel around is a good idea, too
    * Sometimes, unexpected presents (poop nuggets, to be blunt) happen. It’s rare, but it happens. The course of action to take is to simply pause, wipe off the toy with that spare towel and toss the towel in the corner, add more lube, and go right back to it
    * You need to relax. If you tense up, the ring-shaped muscle that controls your butthole will tighten, making penetration difficult and painful If you can’t consciously relax your sphincters (yes, there’s two), try pushing out like you’re pooping. This helps more than you think.
    * If you have trouble relaxing, you can try poppers. Poppers is the street name for inhaling the fumes (don’t drink it, it’s poisonous!) of VHS head cleaner, whose active ingredient is amyl nitrate. Once you inhale, an almost immediate head rush and body relaxation occurs, and lasts a few seconds to a few minutes at most.
    * You can find poppers at most sex shops and online – they will NOT sell to you if you call them poppers just like a head shop won’t sell you a bong if you call it a bong (it’s a “water pipe” to be used with “tobacco” right?), make sure to ask them for “VHS head cleaner”. They know what you mean. To be fair, the FDA says not to do this and that it’s unsafe, but 50+ years of use by the gay community make it pretty clear that they’re harmless. If you spill them clean immediately with water – more here: [https://www.fridaymonday.org.uk/drug-types/poppers/](https://www.fridaymonday.org.uk/drug-types/poppers/)
    * Have your girlfriend read “How to Top Like a Stud”, and you read the matching book “How to Bottom Like A Porn Star” by Woody Miller – both are available digitally on Amazon and other major sites as well as in physical form from most major booksellers

    That’s it off the top of my head, but feel free to ask any questions you may have!

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