I (19f) have recently started seeing a new guy (33m) – fyi I’ve always kinda been into older guys and I’m curious as to how he cums so much, I had 5 sexual partners prior to him but have not experienced anything like it before, is it something I’m doing or is it just something about him?

I’m keen to find out more because I love seeing how much there is, I’m just wondering how he produces so much compared to anyone else I’ve been with and I’ve heard it is not related to size

Still a lot to learn so any info is appreciated

  1. maybe he has hyperspermia, I don’t know if it has something to do with age in this.

    Go to r/hyperspermia to see more guys like this.

  2. My ex had the same “dilemma.” Although, I think that was mostly on her, cause every other ex could swallow just fine. I only cum that much with a partner though.

  3. Depends on the guy. Larger testes typically lead to producing larger volumes of semen but the differences in volume of the average male shouldn’t be noteworthy.

    If it’s a really large amount, it may be hyperspermia. This is when a man produces 5.5 or more ml of semen per ejaculation.

    Since semen is a combination of sperm and the liquids (mostly water) that sperm swim through and studies saw no significant rise in sperm count, this means a man with these unusually large amounts of semen may actually be less virile. The larger amounts of fluid may impact sperm motility.

    So that may be a good thing considering you are young and probably don’t want a kid soon. But that’s not an endorsement to not use other forms of protection or birth control.

  4. It could be that he drinks a lot of water, hydration is important. He might also be edging a lot before he meets up with you. That is also known to increase load

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