There’s a saying that goes “when someone shows you who you are, believe them”. And this is very important.

I’ve been trying to be more social and make more friends lately. So, recently, I met this one girl from one of those app where you can make local friends near you. She seemed awesome when we were chatting online and texting, but after hanging with her in person, I realized that even though she’s sweet and kind….she’s also inconsiderate, self centered, and very nonchalant towards the feelings of others. It’s as if she’s just the main character and we are all just background characters in her life. She mainly only thinks about herself and operates under the mindset of “its my world, you’re just living in it”. Like it’s as if you’re not even a person, you’re just a thing that exists for them to be able to talk to and do things with, like a one-sided companionship for her benefit.

If you’re interested in reading just exactly how selfish she is, read the “examples” part below the next paragraph. If not, you can finish at the end of the next paragraph. (I know redditors hate long posts so I didn’t want to post anything too long without letting you guys know lol)

Anyway, be sure to away from people like this, if you meet them. Don’t be so desperate to make friends that you will tolerate anyone, no matter how bad, just because you’re afraid of being alone. There’s always someone else out there. I used to be so desperate for making friends but not to the point where I make a bad friend. Sometimes, in the process of trying to make friends, you might meet people that you do not get along with. And that’s okay. Sometimes you just don’t “click” with people and that’s okay. And if you see negative traits in someone that you would NOT want in a friend, then run away from this person the second you see these traits. Cut them off asap. I keep trying to remind myself that being selective about who becomes my friend in the “friend finding” process will land me a good friend, so it’ll pay off in the end.

Just a few examples:

-When I left my room, she opened my bottle of iced tea and drank it without asking…at all. And she didn’t even apologize, she just told me in an “FYI” kind of way. When I came back to the room, she just told me “ hey u/aa_diorr, i finished my drink and I got thirsty so I drank your iced tea. You can have the rest of you want”. Okay three things. Firstly, who drinks someone’s beverage without asking? You’re not entitled to my drink. And secondly, why are you giving it back to me if you put your mouth on it? That’s gross. Thirdly, when she said “you can have the rest if you want”…she’s saying that as if it was her drink and she’s offering it to me. But the drink was mine in the first place. Why are you “offering” **my own drink** back to me?

-When we are in a conversation, she talks the most and I can’t get a word out. And when I do manage to talk, every time I am finished talking, she always steers the conversation back towards her shortly after. It’s as if every second i spend talking is a second taken away from her being able to speak. Thats what it feels like.

-When she wants you to help her with something, she commands instead of asking. She told me things like “u/aa_diorr, grab this. Get me that. Put this thing on that. Shut that door.” And stuff like that. And she never even says please. I’m not your servant. Don’t **command** me, **ask** me.

-She makes unexpected plans. It’s as if I’m constantly getting roped into adventures. We were out and about and we stopped at a grocery store for her to use the bathroom. But after she came from the bathroom, she brought out this long list and told me she has to grocery shop for her and her cousin. We were there for an hour and a half and I just had to tag along while she was grocery shopping and I thought we were just there for her to use the bathroom.

-She has zero situational awareness. She stands with her cart in the middle of the aisles in stores, blocking the aisle entrance. How are people supposed to get by? And when she talks with her hands and she’s standing next to me, she uses her hands a lot and moves them all in my face and in front of me with no consideration for my personal space. It’s as if she thinks all space is her space. Space for others space simply does not exist to her.

-Speaking of unexpected plans and getting roped into her adventures, when I went to her house for a sleepover (that we were planning for weeks), about 2 hours before we went to bed, she told me her friend Thomas is coming over for the sleepover as well. So instead of us 2 bonding for the night, it would be 3. And i get that it’s her place and she can do what she wants, but if you knew he was sleeping over you could have said that WEEKS ago. Also, I understand that its her place and she can do what she wants, and Thomas is her best friend and all, but who brings a random man to a woman’s sleepover? Like who does that? That’s just weird. I’ve only met Thomas once prior to this. And even though he slept on the floor while we slept on the bed, she had zero consideration for how it would have made me feel to bring a random man that I barely know and have him sleep in the same room as me.

-Throughout the time that I was with her, she littered outside four separate times (yes I counted) despite the fact that every time she littered, there was a trash can 10 feet away from her.

-When we split the bill when we went out to a restaurant, She didn’t want to tip the server, because she “just doesn’t do the whole tipping thing”. so I had to get the tip. That’s messed up.

-Sometimes, she ignores me when I’m talking sometimes because she’s so “in the zone” on her phone and she’s distracted. HOWEVER, whenever I’m doing something on **my** phone, she would want me to “not be on my phone” and “be in the moment with her” and she didn’t want me to ignore her. Double standards much?

-We were coming back from the restaurant in an uber with me, her, and her friends, and I dozed off and started sleeping. She woke me up out of my sleep and yelled “HEYY!!! u/aa_diorr??? ARE YOU SLEEPING??” Like yeah obviously I was but not anymore now that you woke me up with your yelling. Who bothers someone while they’re sleeping? Ugh. That’s rude. The uber was like 35 minutes. You’re not going to die if I take a 5-10 minute nap during the ride.

And that’s only half of the selfish and inconsiderate stuff she did that I witnessed.

And the crazy part about all of this, is that this all happened in the matter of one weekend. And this is the only the second time I hung out with her in person. Never again. Good riddance.

  1. Wow, those were some great examples of behaviour that’s sooo ridiculous to the point of almost being funny! Ludicrous! Offering your own drink to you! “Why, thankyou. You shouldn’t have.”

    At least you could identify the toxicity and not let it drag on any longer.

    >Don’t be so desperate to make friends that you will tolerate anyone, no matter how bad, just because you’re afraid of being alone.

    Great advice. Or even in a less extreme situation it’s still not worth persevering out of a need to belong

  2. >She woke me up out of my sleep and yelled “HEYY!!! u/aa_diorr??? ARE YOU SLEEPING??” Like yeah obviously I was but not anymore now that you woke me up with your yelling. Who bothers someone while they’re sleeping? Ugh. That’s rude.

    She lost me there, that’s surely stupid and retarded

    The rest of her could be mistaken for that she’s pampered a lot by everyone and she’s super social.

    Plot twist, you too try doing such things she does in front of her but don’t exagrate it to that extent when others are around.

    You could try something like taking a bite of a fruit or taking a sip of something by just entering where she is as though you’re a bit excited about something (find some reason to be) and than give the thing you bit or sipped on to her and see if she eats or drinks it.

    When she’s on her phone, just find some ways to talk with her and get her to respond as well (obviously not some lame topic that she dislikes).

    Start doing a few of such things slowly and if she responds negatively to them act as though you’re annoyed a bit with her response. If you find it to be one sided after sometime then you should definitely leave this person.

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