In regards to my last post, I feel like my ex has already moved on when I feel stuck on to her. No matter what I do, she’s just on my mind and I genuinely miss her. I wish I could do my entire relationship with her again and fix whatever wrong I did because she really meant a lot to me. As she shares mutual friends with me, we interact with each other every so often whenever we’re in a group. I have to act like everything’s fine when it’s really not. She has already been starting to talk to new guys and I just feel insecure because I feel like there is something wrong with me. She says she still loves me and that we just need some time from each other but if she’s also talking to other guys, I don’t know how to feel anymore. Does anyone have any advice?

If anyone’s wondering why I feel so down on this “one-year relationship”, I’ve grown super close to her and she brings out the best in me. We’ve talked about a future together and now I’m just lost emotionally.

1 comment
  1. My advice is this, come clean. Tell her you are not alright and you are hurting and miss her. Then you’ll know by how she reacts. If she still wants to date others- it’s time to give up completely my dude. You are only wasting your time and emotions.

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