I (M28) like an older person (W45+) from work. I’m tired of thinking on ways to approach her or try new things and maintain the good vibes. I don’t like to pursue, but be pursued also.

I noticed her behavior is somewhat inconsistent too, which confuses me. I got a cold response from her today as I was leaving work, which made me feel like most of my efforts on pursuing her were in vain and maybe I just should’ve let things flow naturally without me trying _that_ hard. Yesterday she confessed (intimately) that she felt bad at work due to injustice/preferential treatment from our boss (W45+) towards other workers _and_ her.

I find it particularly difficult to socialize with her because she is more than 15 years older than me, has a little girl (W4) and I don’t know enough about her yet since we did not go out to this day; the irony is I don’t feel like inviting her out since what recently happened.

It’s the first time I feel interested in a much older woman. Normally I dated women my age or younger. I’m by the way taking care of myself, learning and practicing new social skills, be respectful while at the same time, dauntless and spontaneous (I’m a very transparent person as well).

I just found this, and it has been enlightening: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-say-that-you-shouldnt-be-dating-your-work-colleagues

  1. Leave her alone find someone else you yourself just said she is inconsistent and I bet you don’t give a shit about her kid which also needs to be factored in.

  2. I was 25 and started hanging out with this 42 yr old girl that i worked with and fast forward 5 months later shes pregnant and she got fired from the job

  3. Whilst relationships are about emotions, you have to think things through. Like someone else said, when you are in your 40s, she’ll be in her 60s, and that age difference means different lifestyles. A 60 year old is far more likely to not be able to walk, use the bathroom, or take care of themselves. Are you willing to take care of her if it comes to it? Sure, in the ‘in health and sickness’ clause kicks in, but you’ll have to give up liberties you may not get to enjoy later on as you get older.

    Then there is also the whole dating a co-worker. It’s nice, for some people, and if things go sour you won’t be able to put distance between yourself and her because you’ll have to see each other every day.

    Coincidentally, I too have a crush on someone at work who is older than me, but unless I am completely certain I will take on the risk, I won’t jump the gun. Man, I really wish I could tho, there’s just something about her that makes me want to see her everyday.

  4. She’s probably just very kind and slightly more intimate than usual to everyone, and the cold reaction is her way of keeping distance.
    Could be wrong, but I know someone like that, so it’s a possibility.

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