The guy I’ve been hooking up with came over last night to hookup as he had for the past 5 days but I told him I’m tired and wasn’t feeling it, he was okay with this and we just talked and cuddled and kissed a lot. This feels a bit more intimate than it should be for just a hookup, we didn’t have sex he just wants me around for sex so why did he stay just to cuddle and makeout?? I don’t mind it of course I’m very pro touch, but I feel some people who hookup are anti kissing during hookups am I overthinking??

  1. i’m anti oral for hook ups. ofc not always but majority. to me oral is a lot more intimate. i will kiss but i think it’s important to set boundaries.

  2. I think we often want to have hard lines between different situations:

    1. Relationships
    2. Friends with benefits
    3. Fuck buddies

    Unless those lines and boundaries are defined at the beginning, it is almost inevitable that someone may move through those as time goes on.

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