Be honest, how much can you bench?

  1. When my shirt is off with a pump, i look like i can bench 350 easy. In reality…245? That number doesnt get you anything unless you are at a power lifting meet.

  2. Haven’t done it in months so it’s likely way low now but I was hitting 140 lb or so earlier this year. I admittedly have a pretty lazy personality so it was a big deal to see how quickly I hit that weight for the bench press, may be small fries to everyone else but I’m proud of it

  3. i follow my boy brad castleberry and rep out stacks and stacks of weights. Im so strong now it’s like those weights don’t even weigh anything it’s like they’re made out of foam they’re so light and easy for me to lift.

  4. Not sure what my max is but I’m guessing around 135? I can bench 4 sets of 6 reps with 60lb dumbbells. Tomorrow is bench day so I’ll try maxing for shits and giggles.

  5. Like 130 is all but i can do it 5x

    Also i just started doing anything besides bodyweight exercises like 6 months ago and I’m old

  6. 2 sets of 248lbs x 7 reps. Plus a warm up and cool down set.

    I am annoyed there’s no easy way to just add 2 lbs on the bench press at my gym.

  7. Just did 195lbs for 3 reps today! Aiming for 225lbs by spring of next year as well as to lower overall body fat %

  8. 115 x 1 rep, started working out sometime in june I believe my max bench back then was 65-75 cant remember

  9. Idk what my max is, but I’m doing 50lbs dumbbells for 10 reps now, when I started in March I was at 35lbs dumbbells!

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