Men what was the hardest part about committing to a relationship?

  1. That experience had taught me that no matter what someone swears to you, you cannot trust that they will not change in the future (goes for yourself as well). The phrase, “you don’t divorce the same person you marry” is apt here. You can make the ultimate commitment to someone (marriage), but there’s what, a 50% chance you’re going to lose half of your assets / kids if things break down.

  2. It’s a weird one for me – feeling brave enough to be kind to her, without any fears. Reason being the best success I’ve had with women is when I didn’t give a fuck about them and just disqualified them non stop, treating them as unworthy. Which is not what I want to do in a relationship. But experience shows the opposite results when I care for someone.

  3. I never used to have issues committing, but now I have trust issues and just straight up don’t want to be held down to one person. I don’t want to date, but then I find someone I like and think maybe I’d date them, and instantly feel trapped and held back.

  4. Knowing the risks and doing it anyway. It’s hard to do something I know doesn’t have a high probability of success, and ridiculous amounts of pain upon failure.

  5. Getting over the last one and starting from a blank page. Not carrying over the insecurities and baggage. Finding trust.

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