What do you love and hate about getting older?

  1. Becoming wiser is really the only part I love. Obviously, the part everyone hates is physical ageing.

  2. I love the differences in friend relationships.

    When you get older you start to appreciate your friendships. They run deeper and you hang together more. We never know if we’ll outlive them all (and I suspect I will) so we treasure friends as long as we can.

    All the sexual tension and petty BS that younger folks experience is (usually) over. It’s nice to have folks from both genders see you as another person. You’re not objectified

    Many of us have lost our parents by now, our childhood home may belong to someone else. Our friends become our families as time goes by

  3. Love – The confidence I’ve gained in myself.

    Hate – I think I’ve become more anxious and mentally unwell generally with age.

  4. Love: how I literally do not give a fuck anymore, it’s really freeing 😁

    Hate: how it hurts to bend over or sometimes get up…life after 30…sigh 😔

  5. Love: Not to sound vain but I feel like my face has definitely gotten prettier with age.

    Hate: I hate that my mom is also aging too 🫤

  6. I love the experiences, living essentially. The good and bad excite me.
    I don’t like the physical pain that comes with being older

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