Whats the first ever video game you remember playing

  1. It was a DOS game where gorillas on skyscrapers tossed explosive bananas at each other

    I’m older than fucking dirt.

  2. Zelda Windwaker on the GameCube. I would go to my buddy’s place and we would play for hours, since I didn’t have a system at home. Either that or Smash Bros at the orthodontist’s.

  3. There are a few, but I’m not sure which came first. Gunship (for the Amiga), a chess program for the Amiga, Doom, or Commander Keen. I have the most memories of Doom due to having a music brain that was obsessed with level 7’s music.

  4. Crash Bandicoot: Warped

    My uncle had just upgraded to a PS2 and had the new PGA/Tiger Woods game so we brought home the PS1 with Crash on it. We set up the PlayStation when we got home but by the time it was set up it was my bedtime.
    Fast forward a couple of hours I wake up (never have been a good sleeper), dad sees me wandering, says something along the lines of “go on then” and we played a few levels. Makes me smile as I think about it. Will ring it up to him tomorrow to see what he remembers of it.

  5. Can’t remember the name of it, but it was on the Commodore 64. You control a clown on a unicycle and moved back and forth across the screen, popping balloons that fell from the top of the screen using your hat which had a pin on it.

    Edit: figured it out, the game was called Kicknan.

  6. Minecraft. My brother and his friends had a server. I was very young. We built crazy shit. Later made a tnt cannon and blew it up 🙂

  7. It was a windows 2000 game for kids. I only have images and vague memories, I couldn’t even describe what you did in the game lol. It was an educational game.
    Edit: Just found it. It was called Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade. I love the internet.

  8. I think it would be Street Fighter II but on arcade. Played it once and never had an other chance sadly

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