For a while now I’ve noticed that whenever my partner told me he was too tired to have sex with me, would use his dildos and sex toys after telling me this. Well he does it when I’m asleep.

Now there’s nothing wrong with him refusing sex with me. I just feel a little weird that he would take the time and energy that he said he didn’t have to go and use his sex toys while I’m asleep.

About 2 years ago I found a post he made saying he was unsatisfied with having sex with me. He already gave me his apologies and stuff but with his recent behavior towards sex and me just brought the whole Reddit post up again in my mind.

Even the porn he looks at, the people he looks at, look nothing like me. Body shape, boob and butt size. We’re both queer, so that’s okay. I watch porn too and look at all body types including his. But he never looks at body types like mine.

I’ve mentioned this before and he said he loves my body and the way that I look.

With all of this being said, am I within my right to feel this way? Feel like he isn’t attracted to me?

  1. I get why you feel this way and it’s a very reasonable thought process.
    The best thing to do is just talk it through I think. You might find out it was all a misunderstanding or maybe it has something to do with him and not with you! There could be plenty of reasons for him behaving weirdly regarding sex.

    But yes, I can completely see where you’re coming from.

  2. Talk things through !!

    It’s entirely possible and admissible that he’s not attracted to you physically. Maybe you’d be happier as friends. That would free things up for you to find someone where the attraction is mutual.

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