I (22M) am a senior in college and if I’m being honest, my dating life has been a shit show ever since my freshman year. I have had 2 relationships in college that ended for reasons that weren’t over the top or out of the blue but I haven’t had a relationship last more than 3 months in college.

I don’t know if there’s something just utterly wrong with me or what the deal is but ever since my last relationship ended back in February I have been on numerous dates with numerous different women, all seemingly went well but I can’t seem to get past the stage of getting to know someone.

What I really want to talk about in this is what’s been going on recently because it is by far the most annoying. I have taken 4 different women out on dates, hung out with them at each others apartments, and even slept with them but nothing seems to last longer than a couple weeks max. One woman I took out to get some drinks for the first date and everything went smoothly, we went back to my apartment, watched a movie, and just overall had a great time together and continued to do things like this for about 3 weeks and then one day out of the blue this girl calls me and says “hey I’m not really sure how to put this but Something feels off. Im not sure what it is but I just think we should stop seeing each other.” I thought to myself okay fair she didn’t see us working that’s alright. I respectfully said to her that’s okay im glad you came to me sooner rather than later. And that was that. This was about a month and a half ago.
Over the past 2 weeks I’ve been seeing this girl I met one night me and some of my buddies were out chilling at a bar. We hung out at the bar had a great time and then went our separate ways. We texted/snapped a good bit over the next few days after that. About a week later she comes up to me at a different bar and same thing we have a great time hanging out there but this time she invited me back to her place. We make out a little bit nothing too crazy. I end up spending the night there and when we woke up she had to get to class and told me I could say there till she was back and then she would take me home. That morning ended well, I gave her a kiss goodbye and asked her if she wanted to go to dinner later this week. She said she would love to and we went to dinner tonight. Dinner went well and I asked her if she wanted to do anything after and she told me “no I think I’m gonna go home for the night, it’s going to be a long weeked of drinking and whatnot and I need rest” and I respected this, told her goodbye and went home. Wage needed up texting me drunk at the bars and I was pretty disappointed that she had told me she didn’t want to go and then did alone. I’m beginning to think this is about to end up the same as what happened last time and I’m beyond frustrated because it seems like I can never get it right for some reason. Please someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong

  1. I have the same problem, you can read my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/xog1g7/im_tired_of_being_used_as_a_sex_toy_and_then/) and the replies to learn something. my conclusion is that 1. i go to the sex part too early, so the girls dont have time to form an emotional connection with me. Also, 2. i have other fundamental flaws with my personality, im an odd person and women are maybe not interested in long term relationships with me because of that.

  2. I don’t know, do you look for
    help? or do you need a pat on the back and someone saying “just be yourself” or do you want some actionable advice?

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