Most people would just rob a bank for quick and easy money. But I’m curious on what ideas you have, that are perfectly legal, to get rich. You have to use your teleporting ability to earn your wealth for your answer.

  1. Instant package delivery would be the simplest probably. Or if you can bring people along, hire yourself out as an instant travel service. Take people to their destination in the morning then bring them back at night. No need for luggage or hotel fees

  2. If you have the ability to set up a permanent or longer lasting teleportation loop, [you can generate energy just by getting a coil and a metal object.]( How much income does a power plant that requires no fuel generate?

    Taking money in exchange for putting things in orbit would also be pretty lucrative even if you charge a small percentage of the current cost per kilo. You could also probably get paid by someone to remove space junk.

    I’m sure you could find people who would pay you in order to volunteer as colonists on Mars or the Moon or whatever.

  3. Would be the perfect delivery man, take on multiple jobs that involve delivery service. Since you’d be able to teleport it wouldn’t be a problem.

  4. I mean I’d personally start a personal rescue service with an emergency panic button.

    You hit the button, it sends me your location, I teleport in and grab you, and drop you off at a safe location.

    Charge 1 mil a year for the service. Folks like Bezos and Musk would be lining up.

  5. Large file downloads & transfers. Move TB of data instantly with a portable hard drive.

    Can you take other people with you? You can become your own travel service. Charge $100 to “fly” anywhere in the world. Undercut the airlines.

    Waste disposal service. Junk B Gone. Teleport it to some hole in the middle of nowhere.

    Contract with Nasa / Elon Musk to transport cargo to outer space. If you could have a place to stand like a space station. Would save lots of fuel and time.

    Intelligence and Espionage for your local government. Become the ultimate secret agent. Not illegal in your own country, and in fact encouraged. Would you mind getting us those secret plans from that big bad enemy we know of.

  6. you’d honestly probably be dead if you had teleportation so making money would be the least of your worries, what people don’t realize when thinking about teleportation is that the earth moves in space, so barring some complex system imbedded in the teleportation process that moves you with the earth, you would make it to your destination, but the earth wouldn’t be in the same place, so you would wind up in open space instead of actually where you intended

  7. I would hold on to the technology as leverage. I would draw up contracts so that every business that relies on any form of transportation pays me billions NOT to take the technology to the market place. Also I’d try to find a way for a government not to usurp the technology from me.

  8. Instantaneous courier service.

    You need something in X place in less than a minute?

    That’s $20k per pound.

    Need this hard drive with state secrets across the globe without it getting stopped in transit?

    $50k + protection.

    Need a serving of death delivered to a certain politician?


  9. I’d deliver food. Actually, I’ll also deliver groceries and shit like that. I’d be able to deliver TONS of the shit.

  10. I would become the mutant version of the transporter. I’ll transport anything you want, I won’t look in the case. Guaranteed to not get busted by the cops, and delivery in 30 seconds or less. 🤣☝️

    Either that or I would propose to Elon Musk that he need not build a rocket. I will teleport whatever he wants back and forth to Mars, I just want 1 billion dollars, a new Tesla, and my very own private chef.

    Let’s get rich BOIS.

  11. Instant courier for ultra-high value items. Want that diamond necklace from your vault in Zurich for a gala in NYC…I’m your guy.

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