I’m 25 and I always feel like I have nothing to say and I’m super quiet all the time. I feel like this isn’t me and I want to change so bad but I don’t know how or if it’s even possible

  1. Not all at once but you can gradually get better at being social through deliberate practice. Start with easy things like asking strangers for the time or hanging out more with people you already know and work your way up from there.

  2. Easily. Think of it like fitness – the more you practice, the better you get. Sociability is a muscle, some people just need to work a bit harder for it to show 🙂👍

  3. First off, It’s going to feel impossible when you are starting. This is very normal. Getting started is the important part. Start by answering some questions. Do you have something to talk about? An interesting weekend, a specialization in work, a hobby. Make sure you have some topics like this ready. Practice in the mirror if you are unsure about this.
    Your next step is not actually talking. It’s interacting with others. Sports/online gaming/ volunteering/ community centre activities are all excellent things to try out. As you start experiencing life more, you will get more to talk about. Eventually the bicycle of life will get going and you will find yourself busy enough to be much more responsive in many ways.

  4. A little yeah, there’s some flexibility. I talk a lot more in groups than I did 3-4 years ago, but I’ll probably always be a little timid around strangers. I think it’s a genetic thing at a certain point.

    That being said, sometimes if you have nothing to say you can replace that with questions. If you aren’t sure about a topic, ask the other person, they might be willing to shoulder the burden and talk at length about sports, history, work, love, whatever.

  5. I used to be talkative & outgoing – now I’m shy & quiet and never feel like I have anything to say. I know this isn’t me, and also would LOVE to get back to the old me. 😞

  6. You gotta start with people who have the same hobbies and interests so you have an easier time talking if not its gonna be really hard to start without a common ground

  7. I mean do you really want to be more outgoing and talkative, or do you just like the idea of it?

    Every now and then I go on a stint where I feel like I should be more social so I force myself to and it just exhausts me and I remember “I really like alone time”. Be careful you’re not asking out of feeling like you “should” be more talkative instead of actually “wanting” it.

    But like the others are saying – it’s a skill like any other. How does someone learn guitar? They practice all the time, but more than that they build up structures to make the practice easier. They try listening to more music, appreciate other’s skill, set up goals and challenges for themselves – anything to make the processes more engrossing.

    Same with talking – find ways to make practicing more fun to you. Find groups you’re interested, think about the reasons why you don’t talk in groups and work that out, do weekly get together a for anything. Anything to immerse yourself in the practice and have fun doing it

  8. Yes it is very possible. I used to have a mild social anxiety but now I wish I can shut up lol it takes a lot of time tho but it’s never too late to change this so start now and start gradually.
    Sometimes I miss some stuff about the old me but I think life is so much easier this way, trust me.
    What really made me change was a guy who told me he likes outgoing girls. Idk if this is bad or not but I’m sure I won’t go back to being shy even if this guy was completely out of my life.

  9. The possible way to explain talkative open to be extravert is because they are using a skills called listen to my talk to focus on themselves. But is really a lack of opportunity if happen not be a talkative person? I was concerning that talking is closely related to your interest, whether outside world, such as school policy, other co-worker or classmates behavior, popular thing such as scientist recent finding. But focus on inside or introvert personality may interpret world as focus on moment that where they come from, how to get things better, and what he is doing. So shy is most impression when you are very talented but just lack of interest. But in long term, talkative and outgoing is a stronger belief of what you saying.

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