What is the weirdest rumor you heard about yourself?

  1. In middle school: That I’m an alien because I “look the same every day”. Which meant that I wore clothes in a similar style (NOT the same clothes every day) and just… had my hair open because I don’t like how I look with ponytails.

  2. As a teenager, that I had crushes on boys I didn’t actually have crushes on (making things unduly weird) and that I like being pursued, say, after a fight/disagreement (I didn’t, I liked being left alone, and if I said “don’t call me” I actually didn’t mind not being called). These traits have held true throughout my life. People I am interested in never seem to know it and I’m not a tease nor do I give mixed messages or expect men to read my mind.

  3. Everyone thought me and my two best female friends were in a polyam relationship in secondary school. Haven’t talked to either of them in years after a huge argument but pretty sure none of us are straight now anyways so they weren’t far off haha.

  4. This was a long time ago when i was still a teenager. People thought i was evil and into satantic stuff. I wore gothic clothing and wore heavy black makeup , so people assumed i was dark and evil

  5. In high school, lots of people thought I was a lesbian because I…had a BFF? Years later, I found out my ex started that rumor because he was envious that I was getting more attention than him…. IDK? It made no sense.

  6. When I was 18, the summer before I went off to college, I was working a summer job painting fences for a feedlot. The place ran out of paint and they were waiting for the shipment to come. In the meantime, the guy that owned the feedlot sent me to his house to clean out his garages and other building at his house, so I could still get paid and was doing something to earn it….this took a few days to do since he was rich and had a lot of nice and heavy things that needed to be moved, also. His wife was there to help.

    Fast forward to the next summer, after my first year of college, one of my younger friends who was still in high school asked me (in serious astonishment) if I got the owner of the feedlot’s wife pregnant, because she just had a baby. I didn’t tell anyone that that guy had me clean out his garages because he was waiting for paint to come in. My friends told me that there was a rumor that I had got her pregnant and word flys fast in a town of about 1000 people.

    Now, she was hot, it was hot out, we both were wearing cut-offs and shorts, sweating and whatnot, but we didn’t really even talk to each other besides her giving me directions and where to put things and me saying “okay.” I didn’t have sex with her or even touch her for that matter but, man, for the four days I was there I just wanted to jump in their pool, with or without her.

    For about two weeks after I heard the rumor, I worried who had heard it? did the guy hear it? How did this rumor even start if the only people who knew that I was even at his house was him, his wife and myself? My mom and dad asked me about it because someone told one of them what they heard. Eventually it fizzled out and was the definition of a rumor. Mind you, this family is high profile in this region and he owns a few feedlots in this state and I think one or two other states.

  7. I was friends with two gay guys in high school (one went to a different school) who ended up dating. The guy at my high school hadn’t come out to anyone because his super Catholic mother threatened to disown him if he ever came out as gay. After graduation I ran into a mutual friend and she was acting rude. I asked her what was up, and she said, “[Guy from our school] told me how you called his mother to tell her he’s gay, and I think it’s f*cked up.”

    I hadn’t called his mother and I’m still not sure why he would’ve said that to his friend. Years later, that same guy ended up marrying a woman, and another gay friend saw him at a gay bar in our city the week he was to be married.

  8. I work in the entertainment industry, so I interact with a lot of famous people both professionally and socially.

    For some reason, there is a persistent rumor that a very famous actor and I are exes who hate each other. No part of that is true, and I have no idea how it started or why it keeps coming up even years later. I know this guy, but not well. We have a few mutual friends and occasionally end up at the same social functions. We may have been photographed standing near each other once or twice. That’s it. We are not enemies, we are not friends, we are casual acquaintances at best. We have never gone on a date.

    I thought this was squashed but it ended up going around again after we both ended up at the same funeral a few months ago.

  9. When I was in high school I had difficulty getting dates despite my looks. Apparently someone had started the rumor that I held a black belt level in *several* of the martial arts. It turned out many of the guys were afraid to ask me out. It certainly weeded out the men from the boys!

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