Can’t get over ex fiancé

So as the title states I cannot get over my ex fiancé . We dated from when I was (16) she was 15 to (21) she was 20. We were engaged for around 1.5 years then broke up and got back together for another few months. I am 24 now

Now there is no doubt that we were each others first loves . She was the first person besides family that I ever said I love you too. I remember when I had to leave her house just for the night being young and parents I would feel sick to my stomach and I remember both of us crying on the steps even though we’d see each other in less then 24 hours.

Now in current time it has been 3 years since we have “officially” talked or seen each other . … (I was blocked from all social media ) I saw her at a local sandwich shop while I was standing in line with some friends. I was just standing there bullshiting and saw her walk in. At that exact moment I thought I was going to pass out , I felt my neck clench up and it felt like my neck artery’s were going to explode I turned around and tried to act like I didn’t see her. I just focused on these photographs on the wall until my name was called , My friends even noticed and was like uhh what’s up lol… As I left I glanced over I didn’t make eye contact but I could tell she was looking my direction . The weird thing about it is that the night before I had a dream about her … now I’ve dreamed countless times about her and it’s nothing sexual, it’s usually just us laying in bed like waking up from sleeping and just talking and enjoying a conversation .

After 3 years I had that reaction just seeing her. In that amount of time I’ve dated plenty of people . I have been in relationships sleeping in others peoples bed dreaming about her , even crying about her while my current partner(s) is sleeping …

I’m starting to think something is drastically wrong with myself, as I see other people move on so easy at-least easier then my current situation . She has even moved on and as far as I know In a healthy relationship. I’ve tried everything new hobbies new relationships one night stands drugs alcohol talking with multiple friends and family about my struggles with this . Nothing as of yet has worked .

Tl;dr I still love her , it’s been 3 years. Will I ever get over her ?

1 comment
  1. How did it end before you got blocked on everything? Because it sounds like unfinished business to me, and if there’s one thing I know about unfinished business it’s that it is all too easy to cling on to *something*, and for that to detrimentally impact your life…

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