How often do you get discharge?

  1. Every day, all day. Sometimes it’s a lot, some times it’s less. But it’s always there.

  2. All the time 😊 cervical mucus is a normal part of everyday life. However there are certain symptoms to look for that can point to signs of infection i.e. colour and smell.

  3. Pretty much every day, which is normal. And then more before my period. I’m on the pill.

  4. More so when ovulating. Well, different consistencies ongoing throughout the month

  5. I don’t really get it anymore, which is also normal. I used to get it in my teenage years but after a while I stopped getting it. Back then it was everyday, heavier before my period.

  6. Everyday, the amount can change from a small droplet to a whole lot more. I only don’t get it on my period but I’m sure that’s cause my disc catches whatever is coming out mixed with the blood

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