I’m not sure if this is the sub for this but here goes.

If it’s relevant, location is in the U.S. in a lower middle class neighborhood.

In a friendly debate about street parking. I say, in a residential neighborhood street parking is first come, first served. It’s fine to park in front of other peoples houses when your driveway is full, or when you’re a guest, as long as you don’t block driveway access. Even if you need to regularly park with your nose or tail crossing into the boundaries of the “neighbors curb”, I think that’s fine. It’s public parking..

He says, it’s rude to park in front of a house that isn’t yours unless it’s an emergency. If someone were to park in front of his house on a regular basis, he would ask them to stop as he considers that a social taboo. He feels that the street in front of one’s house basically is understood to belong to them first. He’s gracious about one-time deals, or emergencies, but he also doesn’t like to park in front of strange houses even for a few minutes (for example, when picking up a child from school, he dislikes having to park on the street across from the school. He feels the school should have dedicated spots for this and feels the homeowners that live there are probably upset about how often people park there.)

What do you guys think? I’ve never had a neighbor come knock on the door and ask me to stop parking in front of their house, he says he has. I wouldn’t even notice a car parking in front of my house regularly, it drives him crazy. We both think our own philosophy on this is the most common but we aren’t sure

  1. Well I can only speak for Germany: all I could think was “wtf”??? How entitled can someone be? Over here it’s 100% normal to park in front of someones house. I mean: where else are you in supposed to park? I really don’t get it.

  2. Guests and stuff are fine but if you have so many vehicle that you need to regularly park in front of my house, fuck you, buy a house with a garage or bigger driveway.

  3. Unless there is a no-parking sign or you have private road access to your home, the law is pretty clear on this one.

    People don’t own the streets in front of their homes. It’s called a property line for a reason.

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