I (25M) have a huge crush on a new coworker (24F). We have had amazing chemistry since she started (a couple months now), have very similar senses of Humor (as well as in standup comedians), tease each other playfully and sarcastically, and I make Her laugh a lot. We talk to each other the most out of anyone in the office, since We sit next to each other, and can always find something to laugh about. She initiates conversation with me a lot, and will smile at me playfully and sarcastically, or shake her head while smiling ( usually when I’m sarcastic ). All of these actions in the past were sure-fire signs that a woman was interested in me (please correct me if I am wrong Ladies).

This is where my confusion starts.

As much as We talk everyday at work, joking about different topics, discussing more serious things, and having full fledged conversations on a daily basis, (that She often initiated), this doesn’t translate to outside of work, social media or texting. She never mentions directly hanging outside of work (even as a group of friends). We have each others numbers, but there seems a lack of interest to communicate via text or hang out outside of work on a regular basis. I am not offended by this or anything, but it’s just that in the past if a Girl was interested in Me, She would usually want to text me regularly, or suggest cool things to do around town, which was a clear sign for me to ask the girl out to do said thing.
I have also seen her on the dating apps, so I would naturally assume she is interested in some form of relationship currently.

I am confused about straight up asking Her out, as We work on the same team (different projects), so I have opted to play it slow, hoping for a natural progression from friends into a relationship. I wouldn’t want to rush things, as that would probably lead to an awkward office environment.

I’ve never felt this way about a woman, it’s so easy to talk to her, She’s hilarious, charming, Adventurous, and beautiful. She has reignited My will and has really motivated me to be disciplined and take care of myself, as I want to be the best version of myself for Her. I really am trying My best and do not want to give up.

TLDR: I have a huge crush on new coworker, great chemistry, but no clear sign of wanting to be asked out.

  1. It sounds like you really like this woman – so why don’t you do something about it? You don’t have to start by actually asking her out on a date. But you could ask her if she was planning to see this new art exhibition/go to the funfair/visit that new restaurant and should you do it together on the weekend? If she says no this indicates she really doesn’t want to spend time with you outside the office. If she says yes you get to find out more about what she wants… At all times, be aware you are co-workers and you don’t want things to be akward in the future.

    Ps: I am a woman and I behave as you describe her behaviour when I am interested in a guy. So yes, I would go for it.

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