I’ve noticed ever since working at my new job for over a year. Everyone mentions to me that I’m quiet and shy. And one person in particular who’s temporarily my boss for like 2 weeks, whilst my usual boss is working on another department, kept saying to me I’m too quiet, why are you so quiet, you need to talk more etc when I first started and still does. So now that he’s my temporary boss for 2 weeks he’s giving everyone overtime. And I wanted to be on the same shift as a certain coworker as we get along (no other boss had a problem with it), and it happens to be the only days I can do. And I wanted full shifts as I really need the overtime, I have a concert and hotel to pay for coming up, not to mention the prices of fuel, and my iPad to pay for in January and a new phone that comes out in October due to my phone that I’ve had for years has been playing up and I need more storage (my phone is non expandable urgh )

So I asked can I have this and that shift, and he said no cause I’d be chatting to my co worker so much on the same shift and was all smiley about it and making jokes. Yes we chat, cause it’s much better when u work a shift with someone you actually like to work with and you still get things done. Out of many people that work there I really get along with 2 of the people there, and happen to be similar age. So cause of that I’ve missed out on the plenty of overtime that would of kept me satisfied with my pay. And I’m now doing half of that overtime I originally asked for.

What annoys me the most is that there are so many people working there that chat all the time and even goes to the others department to chat for a bit, and I’ve seen the same people on my department chat in a group, and my temp boss never said a word and usually joins in on it. Like wtf. He has no quarrel over me talking to a different co worker that is my similar age whenever we’re on the same shift, yet that other person he doesn’t want me on the same shift with. even though I’m actually contracted on the same shift as her cause he put her down as overtime on my shift🙃😂

I’m so mad. But so afraid to say anything as I hate confrontation and causing a hassle.

Anybody have anything similar and any advice u can give?

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