Where do you draw the line between being sexually forward and being a bit of a sex pest? Does it mostly have to do with how attracted to the guy she is?

I know I need to be more direct with the way I talk and touch but the thought of potentially making someone uncomfortable doesn’t sit well with me

How can I be more sexual on a date etc without feeling like a slimeball?

  1. >Does it mostly have to do with how attracted to the guy she is?

    This plus what she is looking for, how much she’s into sex. It’s very easy to misfire when trying to get more sexual early on.

  2. IMO you cross into potential sleaze territory if you’re not getting consent to “escalate”. You can literally ask, as long as you have some sense of the right time and place. Men don’t usually understand that it’s not actually a turn off for most women because we don’t live our lives constantly getting objectified. It’s flattering to us but could be anything from eye rolling to triggering for them.

  3. You have to make sure if she is attracted to you or not, there is no magic trick for that unfortunately

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