edit: sorry if it’s too long if you’re too lazy to read i feel you i never read big paragraph post either haha so here’s everything i talked ab: buddisum, meditation, journaling, explain why i stopped caring, confidence, mindset when talking, omegle, stop shit talking, medication
i wrote mostly ab things i didn’t read while trynna search for answered to get better at my social anxiety

-got into **buddhism**, well.. i just read a bunch of books that were made by monks. that definitely changed my perspective and lowered my anxiety.
-I got into **meditation** as well, shit changed my life, get into it fucking works..
-i also started to **journal** ab my entire life, you learn a lot and you can see kinda who you really are once you reread it. one of my biggest problems is not knowing who i was, i’d shape-shift and become like them to whoever i’m talking to to fit their eyes so they can like me.. realizing that made me find my personality and finding my personality made me confident

*i stopped caring what people say because of confidence because i realized we were all born in this one planet naked and pure, we were all kids and that child self is still in there, every single person has the smallest detailed memory of a specific thing only they know ab, and they’ve went through all the emotions but in a different situations as you, realizing your a special spec of dust in a huge universe really really is a good mindset to keep, won’t fix the problem might help you get through it.*

huge huge huge for me, i had 0. i thought anything i say or do will deathly embarrass me.. i actually didn’t even say that in my head to myself i felt it in my anxiety and once i realized i did care what think or say helped me fix it better. took time to get it but worth it

**you have to get into this **mindset** that’s a whole different mindset when anxious it’s hard to explain but when you’re talking to someone close.. you, not once, think “what should i say” because it’s ab flow it’s ab letting thoughts come to you not looking for it everywhere because you already have the talent to talk bro you do it everyday. something i’d tell myself is “this isn’t an impossible hard thing to do we evolved to talk it isn’t just gunna poof away cuz i didn’t have enough of it” when you’re in this mindset you aren’t thinking ab yourself like physically ,, not how you talk, what you should or shouldn’t say, that little thing making you second guess everything you say or do. it’s a mind place where you don’t exist only the conversation you’re in**
-also i started caring more on what people were telling me and less of caring what my mind makes me think. don’t be in your head trynna think of what to say. EASIER SAID THAN DONE it takes time and practice, same w confidence

-**omegleee** i was TERRRRIFFIEDDD of omegle but i swallowed my ego to go on there and i just tried making convo w every single person i met. horribly awkward at first but ah! skip button 😌 i got wayyy better w being less quiet cuz i realized if someone talks to you it’s cuz they actually want a conversate.. stupid.. but.. didn’t fucking know thatđŸ„Č and it made me see how unscary it is just to say anything !

-**medication!!** i will be forever thankful for medication that completely zapped my anxiety away. i kinda fixed my anxiety so much before meds but meds was just the cherry on top.. i’m not amazing at talking i learned to be okay w that i learned to be okay w that weird look people give you when you speak for the first time or when i say something that doesn’t make sense.

**my thoughts were blank** and that was my biggest problem at first, i didn’t know what to say cuz i had nothing to say. i was trynna force it and that never works. don’t say anything till you have something to say
 it took me a while to pass this phase cuz i couldn’t stop forcing it cuz i worried that they wouldn’t like me.

-**STOP talking shit.** i used to judge people in my head all the time w out realizing, i started to ask myself why do i care so much?? oh shit cuz i do it all the time. that’s the only reason why i think they’re doing it too.

listen. i promise! once you start saying words you’ll see how opening people are. remember you aren’t here to make people happy, you’re here to find your happiness and for now we gotta practice because you’re healing yourself and no one can hurry that

i’m not sure how many people will see this i hope i help at least one person. i just remember being in so much pain cuz of social anxiety.. id never thought i’d be the one giving some tips cuz i used to go into this subreddit all the time to find answers :,) *check my account and see the last post i made*

and last thing
my sister said this “just talk”. i heard it a million times but.. that last time something clicked and it’s literally just say a n y t h i n g i promise it’ll be okay💗💗 if you’re still reading this this post was exactly for you. if no one reads it.. it’s for my passed self who’d cry every night cuz i felt and was painfully lonely

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