I feel like it’s inevitable for friend groups to not have a person who takes most of the attention. I’m in no way one of those, but the opposite extreme.
Even though I always listen to my friends, make jokes, go out with them, etc like any normal person would, they always prefer someone else.
I’m now 22 and it has started to happen in college and work groups, though it’s been happening ever since I was in kindergarten.
If you have any experience on overcoming this, or discovering why you were the one left out (or why you leave someone else out!), everything will be taken into account

  1. Leave that group. You are no emotional garbage can or sound recorder. Have been through this and thus suggest you to find a better group.

  2. everyone saying leave the group but we have no idea if this is in fact a toxic group or not.

    one idea could be reaching out to people individually and getting to know them better one on one so you feel less isolated in the group setting

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