i’m in college now and looking to sleep with someone more experienced but i’m kind of nervous to go over to someone’s house.. is it unreasonable to ask to meet at a hotel or should I just stick to sleeping with people i’m in a relationship with? i don’t want to be annoying but i’ve heard all kinds of stories and everyone i’ve talked to is telling me how bad of an idea it is :,)

edit: i phrased it badly, it’s not my first time it would be my first time with him and meeting him which is why i am nervous

  1. I don’t see going to someone’s house being a big deal but ALWAYS trust your gut. If it feels off, don’t do it !

  2. I’d say listen to your intuition but be safe. Maybe let a friend know where you’re at just in case. Not something explaining specifics but just a general check in. I’ve done it for guy and girl friends when I was in college.

  3. Look personally I say no, either do it at yours or somewhere neutral. Especially with someone more experience, the power dynamic there needs to be thought about. I didn’t like assuming everyone’s a bad person but honestly too many horror stories not to be careful and make sure you have an out.

    If you do go to theirs, make sure people know where you are going and who you are with. Also make sure who you are sleeping with knows other people know everything.

  4. I mean, if you’re concerned about your safety as far as being alone with him at his house, then you’re probably not ready to have sex with him. It really comes down to whether you trust your own judgment and if he makes you feel safe. If not, then can you even enjoy the sexual encounter?


  5. Meet somewhere in public first like a cafe, then go to his house if you are comfortable with him.

  6. Depends on the guy unfortunately. You have to use your discernment and precautions to protect you.

  7. Going to a guy’s house can be safe but nobody here on reddit knows this guy. You are the one that’s been talking to him so trust your gut.
    Also remember if you choose to go, you can leave at anytime. You can also share with a friend where you’ll be if you’re concerned
    But bottom line, if you have any doubts or concerns about safety, then don’t go.
    And definitely don’t have sex with someone that you have concerns over either. 💯


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