I am single man, after a two decades long monogamous relation. I am looking for hookups or possible romance but starting as sex experiences. I am seriously preoccupied about my health and STD risks. For instance I’ve been refused 3 times by potential partners to whom I have said I want protected sex even for oral. All 3 women felt offended (what do you mean? I am clean!!) and told me they prefer no sex at all than protected oral. I feel disgusted because I don’t want to put my health in danger, this is the only asset I have. I think I will stay alone, but I am still surprised about how much people don’t understand unprotected oral sex IS a major health risk.

  1. Tbh. U did absolutely nothing wrong. Some people have preferences but they all should respect boundaries.

  2. You are entitled to whatever safety practices you want, but people don’t have to agree to them. Personally if a woman tried to suck my dick with a condom I’d tell her don’t bother and I have never tried to use protection when going down on my partners. Not sure if I’d call oral sex a “major” health risk. There is always risk involved but the risk from oral is much lower and there are plenty of ways to mitigate risk.

  3. Maybe just skip oral if it’s a problem?

    Edit to add: ur not wrong, everyone has their line about safety. If it’s such a mood killer, then maybe it’s worth bypassing? I dunno. I don’t personally put oral in the same category of risk, but I do understand (and commend) ur approach. It’s like how they say “if a person insists u don’t need a condom, then u definitely need a condom”

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